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词汇 rise above
例句 The library rises above the other buildings.图书馆高出其他建筑物。You expect a certain amount of criticism, but you have to rise above it.你会受到一些批评,但是你要泰然处之。If your income rises above a certain threshold, your tax rate also rises.如果收入超过某个定值,税率也会增加。Cara did her best to rise above the shocking news.卡拉尽力从这令人震惊的消息中摆脱出来。We should rise above our desire for wealth.我们应当超越并摆脱发财的欲望。Can we rise above personalities?我们能不能姿态高一些而不搞人身攻击呢?He does not rise above mediocrity.他停留在平庸的水平上。In the Antarctic, the temperature rarely rises above freezing.在南极,温度很少升到零度以上。We need to rise above our anger/frustration and find a way to get along with each other.我们需要摆脱愤怒/沮丧情绪,找到一个彼此和睦相处的方法。The gilded dome of the cathedral rises above the city.大教堂的金色穹顶高耸于城市上空。The quality of the food never rises above average.这种食品的质量从未超越过普通水准。He rises above the political pressure on him.他不为施加于他的政治压力所动。His voice did not rise above a mere whisper. = His voice did not rise above the merest whisper.他的声音充其量只是耳语。He had an unusual ability to rise above the prejudices of his generation.他有摆脱同代人的偏见的非凡能力。It tells the story of an aspiring young man's attempt to rise above the squalor of the street.它讲述了一个有抱负的穷小子努力出人头地的故事。This book clearly rises above the thousands of its competitors.这本书明显地优于其成千上万的竞争者。The castle is built on a slight rise above the town.城堡建在一个高出城镇的缓坡上。It's time to rise above petty bickering/politics.现在不要再为琐碎的争吵/权术所纠缠了。Immigrants to the country were struggling to survive and rise above the poverty that surrounded them.移民在这个国家里奋力求存,竭力要摆脱困扰他们的贫穷问题。He had the ability to rise above the crowd in everything he did.他无论干什么都能表现出自己胜人一筹。I try to rise above such prejudices.我尽量不去理会这样的偏见。High mountains rise above the plain.高山从平原拔地而起。Temperatures rarely rise above zero in winter.冬季气温很少高于零度。Temperatures rarely rise above freezing.气温很少升到零度以上。He was able to rise above the prejudices of his generation.他能够超越同时代的世俗偏见。




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