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词汇 Julie
例句 I've just phoned Julie and she's still poorly.我刚给朱莉打了电话,她身体还是不舒服。And Julie married Alec, dressed appropriately in virginal white.朱莉穿着一件与此场合相称的纯白婚纱嫁给了亚历克。I can think of lots of people who got worse grades than you and still have good jobs. Take Julie.我可以说出许多成绩比你差,但仍找到好工作的人,比如说朱莉。Julie's parents waited up all night but she never came home.朱莉的父母整夜都在等她,但她一直没有回家。Julie! It's your sister on the phone again.朱莉!你姐姐又来电话了。I must buy something to wear at Julie's wedding.我必须买些衣服,在朱莉的婚礼上穿。Julie's fiancé is a nice clean-cut young man.朱莉的未婚夫是个整洁体面的好小伙。I picked up the phone immediately and tapped out the number Julie had jotted down for me.我立即拿起电话,拨打了朱莉帮我匆匆记下的号码。Paul was about to answer but checked himself when he saw Julie's expression.保罗正要回答,但一看到朱莉的表情就打住了。Julie was prostrate with grief after her father's death.父亲死后,朱莉悲痛不已。Later that morning Julie buzzed me.那天上午晚些时候朱丽给我打来了电话。Neither Matt nor Julie said anything.马特和朱莉都没有说什么。Unfortunately, Julie and I don't see eye to eye on money matters.不幸的是,在钱的问题上朱莉和我意见不合。The apartment was appraised, and Stephen gave Julie a check for half the amount.这套公寓估好价之后,斯蒂芬给朱莉开了一张支票给她一半的钱。Julie skipped along the pavement.朱莉沿着人行道蹦蹦跳跳地往前走。Her drama teacher is confident Julie is a star in the making.戏剧老师相信朱莉将会成为明星。Maybe Julie was right when she said I was jealous.也许朱莉说我嫉妒是对的。Julie has really good taste in books.朱莉对书籍的鉴赏力很高。Julie's sudden appearance in the doorway startled me.朱莉在门口的突然出现让我大吃一惊。Julie's captain of the quiz team.朱莉是问答比赛队的队长。Oh, by the way, my name's Julie.噢,顺便说一下,我叫祖莉。He whispered so softly that none but Julie heard him.他这般低声耳语,只有朱莉听得见。Did you read Julie Burchill's column in the Guardian this week?你看过茱莉·伯奇儿本周在《卫报》上撰写的专栏吗?Julie turned over and murmured in her sleep.朱莉翻了个身,叽里咕噜地说着梦话。He won't know what to do with himself while Julie is gone.朱莉不在的时候他不知道如何打发时间。He had paid out good money to educate Julie at a boarding school.为了让朱莉在寄宿学校上学,他花了好多钱。David loves Julie but he can't get up enough courage to ask her to marry him.戴维很爱朱莉,但他鼓不起勇气向她求婚。Julie seems to be relaxing a little now.朱莉现在似乎放松一点儿了。Julie has moved to a new school and she's much happier now.朱莉转到了一所新的学校,现在开心多了。He wanted sex with Julie but she rebuffed him.他想和朱莉上床但被她拒绝了。It's her I want to work with, not Julie.我是想跟她一起工作,不是跟朱莉。Julie, perplexed by her boyfriend's sudden outburst, kept out of his way.朱莉对男友的突然发怒不明究竟,便让他自己一个人待着。Pack it in, Julie - I'm trying to read.别闹了,朱莉!我想看书。I tried to like Julie but I couldn't forget how spiteful she'd been to me in the past.我试着喜欢朱莉,可我无法忘记过去她对我多么恶毒。He took Julie's arm and guided her through the doorway.他抓住朱莉的手臂,挽着她通过门道。Julie arranged her perfumes and creams in neat rows on the dressing table.朱丽把她的香水和面霜一排排整齐地摆放在梳妆台上。When Artie stopped calling altogether, Julie found a new man.当阿蒂彻底不再上门后,朱莉又找了个男人。John lives on the top floor and Julie lives on the floor below.约翰住顶楼,朱莉住在他楼下。Julie's second baby was born when they lived in Washington.朱莉的第二个宝宝是他们住在华盛顿的时候出生的。Julie's brother's so handsome it's not true.朱莉的哥哥帅得令人难以置信。




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