例句 |
His thoughts were all jumbled up.他的思绪乱透了。The watch parts fell apart and jumbled up.手表的零件散了,混在了一起。There were six wires jumbled up, tied together, all painted black.有六股电线被混杂着胡乱绑在一起,还全被刷成了黑色。He jumbled up everything in the drawer to find his key.他为了找到他的钥匙把整个抽屉都翻乱了。Fact and fiction became all jumbled up in his report of the robbery.在他对这次抢劫的供述里,分不清哪句是真,哪句是假。The photographs were all jumbled up.照片乱七八糟地堆在一起。The rucksack contains several pockets to prevent odds and ends getting jumbled up.这个背包有几个口袋,以免零零碎碎的东西混起来。My son jumbled up all my papers.我儿子把我的文件搞得乱七八糟。 |