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词汇 rippled
例句 A breeze rippled the quiet waters.一阵微风吹皱了平静的河水。Tanya's hands rippled over the keyboard.塔尼娅的双手在琴键上翻飞。A chill shiver rippled over his skin.他浑身打了个冷战。The news gradually rippled outwards.这一消息渐渐向外传开。A light breeze rippled the trees.微风吹过,树叶婆娑摇曳。The sea rippled in soft strokes.海面上微波荡漾。The lake rippled gently.湖水轻轻地起著涟漪。Laughter rippled over the audience.笑声在听众中荡漾开来。The breeze rippled the water.微风在水面吹起阵阵涟漪。Polly flinched at the thrill that rippled through her.波莉感到全身一阵紧张,就退缩了。A cool breeze rippled the water.清风徐来,使水面泛起涟漪。A slight wind rippled the lake's surface.微风吹过,湖面微波荡漾。The breeze rippled the surface of the lake.微风吹皱了湖面。Shock rippled through her.她心里一阵震惊。A gentle breeze rippled the surface of the sea.微风吹皱了海面。The tops of the trees rippled in the breeze.树冠在微风中婆娑摇曳。Fear/excitement rippled through the room. 房间里的人们突然感到一阵恐惧/兴奋。The water rippled in widening circles around the fountain.喷泉周围的水形成涟漪逐圈扩散出去。The muscles rippled under the skin of his arm.他手臂皮肤下的肌肉团团凸起。Enthusiastic applause rippled around the tables.热烈的掌声在各桌间此起彼伏。A frisson of apprehension rippled round the theatre.剧场里顿时泛起一片疑惧。A slight wind rippled the crops in the valley.一阵微风吹过,山谷里的庄稼便随风起伏。The muscles down the shoulders and back rippled.从两肩到背部,一条条肌肉层叠凸现。Water rippled under the dock.船坞下微波荡漾。The canoe rippled through the water.小艇击起层层水波穿过水面。Small waves rippled gently across the pond.细细的波纹轻柔地在池塘里扩散开来。An earthquake rippled in spasms along the plain.在平原上发生了一阵阵的地震。A murmur of excitement rippled through the audience.观众一阵激动,发出窃窃私语声。




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