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例句 The accused man narrowly missed a prison sentence.那个受指控的男子险些遭受牢狱之灾。Connors just avoided being knocked out in the second run.康纳斯在第二轮比赛中险些被淘汰。They came uncomfortably close to having an accident.他们险些出事故,这种经历很吓人。He damned near fooled me.险些把我骗了。Manchester United came within an inch of losing the game.曼彻斯特联队险些输掉比赛。Details have been given of a near miss between two airliners over southern England earlier this week.本周早些时候两架客机在英格兰南部险些相撞,有关细节现已公布。She nearly lost her life in a car accident.险些在车祸中丧生。He narrowly escaped arrest when the police raided his house.警察突然搜查他家,他险些被捕。The Irish came so close to knocking England out of the European Championships.爱尔兰队险些将英格兰队从欧锦赛中淘汰出局。The car came perilously close to running her down.汽车向她逼近,险些将她撞倒。A car came from nowhere, and I had to jump back into the hedge just in time.一辆轿车不知从什么地方突然冒了出来,我只得向后跳到树篱中躲避,险些躲不及。Eclecticism almost laid him out.折衷主义险些要了他的命。He escaped death by inches when a tree fell on his tent.一棵树倒在他的帐篷上,他险些被砸死。The plane barely cleared the fence at the end of the runway.飞机险些碰到跑道尽头的围栏。We had a near-disaster this morning in the car!我们今天上午险些出了车祸!They narrowly escaped being killed in the fire.他们险些在大火中丧生。The error could have lost the game for them.这个差错险些使他们输掉这场比赛。We've had a few near misses in the raids, as I expect you've noticed.在袭击中有几次我们险些被击中,我想你已经注意到了。We got out in time but it was a narrow escape.我们险些未能及时逃脱。Coulson came within inches of death on a climbing trip in the Himalayas last year.库尔森去年攀登喜马拉雅山时险些送命。Her car skidded off the road and barely missed hitting a telephone pole.她的汽车滑出路面,险些撞到电话线杆上。They narrowly evaded a police car which was approaching.他们险些没避开赶过来的警车。A silver BMW missed him by inches.一辆银色的宝马汽车险些撞到他。She came perilously close to drowning. 险些被淹死。The fact was hidden deep in the report, almost as an afterthought.事实就隐含在这份报告中,险些没发现。They almost tripped over wet TV cables that snaked along like pythons.湿滑的电视电缆像巨蟒一般弯曲盘旋,他们险些在上面绊倒。The ambulance finally arrived, and not a moment too soon.救护车终于到了,但险些误事。There was a danger I would suffer a rupture of my appendix.当时我险些阑尾穿孔。He almost bled to death after the bullet severed an artery.子弹打断他的一根动脉后,他险些因失血过多而死。He was nearly killed in the explosion.险些在爆炸中丧生。He had a narrow escape from a tiger.险些在虎口丧命。He was totally oblivious to the fact that he had almost been killed.他完全忘记了他曾险些被杀的事实。A fresh tragedy was narrowly averted yesterday.昨天险些酿成一场新的悲剧。The island has had several close encounters with major hurricanes in recent years.这个岛近年来多次险些遭到强飓风的破坏。They had a narrow escape from drowning.他们险些溺水身亡。The crew narrowly avoided shipwreck.船员们险些没躲过船难。We caught the ferry but it was a narrow squeak.我们险些没赶上渡船。They narrowly avoided defeat in the semi-final.他们在半决赛中险些败阵。The guardrail let loose and we very nearly plunged over the edge.护拦突然塌下,我们险些从边上掉下去。The child narrowly escaped drowning.小孩险些被溺死。




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