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词汇 rhetoric
例句 If you strip away all the rhetoric, you're left with an opinion that isn't backed up by facts.如果你剥掉所有说辞,剩下的就是一个没有证据支持的观点而已。The political rhetoric is increasingly hysterical.政治言辞日益发狂。Behind all the rhetoric, his relations with the army are tense.在冠冕堂皇的言辞背后,他和军队的关系实则处于紧张状态。I was swayed by her rhetoric into donating all my savings to the charity.她巧言善辩,说得我服服帖帖,把全部储蓄都捐给了慈善机构。The liberalism of their rules was a rhetoric masking vicious exploitation.他们那些开明的规定只不过是掩盖恶毒剥削的表面文章。Whether they can live up to their campaign rhetoric remains to be seen.他们是否能实践竞选时发表的冠冕堂皇的诺言尚待日后分晓。We need to cut through the political rhetoric and see what really lies behind the policy.我们要透过政治辞令弄清这项政策背后真正的含义。The speech was free of political rhetoric.这个演讲没有政治辞藻。The guy heated things up with some black nationalist rhetoric.那个人使用了带有黑人民族主义色彩的说法,使事态激化了。Despite their tough anti-American rhetoric, the government is privately trying to maintain good relations with the U.S..尽管他们发表强硬的反美言论,政府仍试图私下与美国保持良好关系。His fiery campaign rhetoric has kept opposition parties on their toes for months.他慷慨激昂的竞选演说让反对党派一连数月都不敢松懈。What is required is immediate action, not rhetoric.需要的是立刻采取行动,而不是说大空话。The harsh rhetoric had so soured officials that the two sides were barely speaking.激烈的言辞让官员们关系如此恶化,双方几乎不怎么说话。Atlantic City was huckstered by promoters with nature rhetoric, even though it is an urban destination.大西洋城是个城市旅游区,但其宣传者却常常大肆吹嘘其自然景观。Cicero was a master of rhetoric.西塞罗是雄辩大师。The Campbell government has been hoisted by its own petard by a lot of its pre-election rhetoric.坎贝尔政府为谋求当选而说的许多空话已经使其自食其果。His statement was short on rhetoric and long on substance.他的陈述词藻贫乏,但内容充实。They use incendiary rhetoric to get public attention.他们利用煽动性言辞来引起公众关注。Deprived of the heavenly rhetoric of her eye, she seemed flat and dull.丧失了眼神所具有的动人感染力之后,她便显得平庸呆板了。The chapter is mostly wordy rhetoric.这一章多为冗长的辞藻堆砌而成。Cynics argue that the EU is stronger on rhetoric than on concrete action.怀疑者认为,相比具体行动,欧盟更擅长夸夸而谈。It is highly probable that many of the Service's personnel were put off by such high-flown rhetoric.很可能该部门的许多工作人员都对这种华而不实的虚夸言辞感到反感。Thomas Carlyle, notwithstanding his tedious rhetoric, is a master of the sublime in prose style.托马斯·卡莱尔,尽管他的措辞冗长乏味,但其文体隽永优美,不失为一位散文大师。Other critics fault Donne for over-use of rhetoric, which may clash with the supposedly sincere piety of the poems.一些批评家指责多恩过分使用华丽的辞藻,这可能与诗歌本来的真挚与虔诚相冲突。The candidate will be forced to keep to the right in his campaign rhetoric.该候选人将被迫在竞选口号中保持右派立场。Her speech was just empty rhetoric.她的演讲只是些浮夸之词。Without a coherent set of policies to persuade the electorate, the Republicans have resorted to sloganeering and empty rhetoric.由于缺乏系统的政策,共和党只得依靠标语口号和空洞的词藻来说服选民。How far the president will be able to translate his campaign rhetoric into action remains to be seen.总统在大选中作出的冠冕堂皇的承诺能够兑现多少尚待观察。The chapter is mostly wordy rhetoric.这一章多为冗长的华丽词藻。His rhetoric sounds like the death rattle of a fading leadership.他的慷慨陈词听起来像是一个衰落的领导层垂死的挣扎。Little has changed, despite the rhetoric about reform.尽管关于改革的言辞颇为动听,但情况基本没什么改变。The crowd was blinded by his rhetoric.听众被他的巧辩蒙蔽了。He was prepared to use militant rhetoric in attacking his opponents.他不惜使用犀利的言辞攻击对手。




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