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例句 Her woodcarvings will be on display at the gallery next month.她的木雕作品将于下月在美术馆展出。The President's credentials will be on trial.这位总统的资质会受到检验。These pictures will be on show in our shop next week.这些画将于下周在我店展出。Their soldiers appear to be on the defensive.他们的士兵看上去处于守势。The semifinal replay will be on Saturday.半决赛将在星期六重赛。More layoffs are said to be on the way. 听说很快就要再次裁员。Our team of experts will be on hand to offer advice.我们的专家团队会在场为大家提供建议。As a new employee, I will be on probation for three months.作为新入职者,我将见习三个月。Sterility in men seems to be on the increase.男性不育的人数似乎在增加。It feels good to be on vacation.度假这滋味真不错。The tickets will be on sale from somewhere else because the agencies have bought them up.因为代理商把这些票都买断了,所以只能到别处买了。You'll have to look sharp if you want to be on time.如果你想准时的话,就得赶快。Her sculptures will be on show at the museum until the end of the month.她的雕塑作品将会在博物馆中展览至月底。The coach is sick and won't be on deck for practice for at least one week.教练病了,至少有一周无法到场指导训练。The market seems to be on the rebound.市场好像在反弹。We'll be on the move next week, so you won't be able to reach us.下周我们将出游,因此你找不到我们。We'll be on our way out again before you know it.在你还没意识到之前,我们就又出去了。He treated his wife to breakfast in bed on her birthday.妻子生日时,他服侍妻子在床上吃早餐。Washing instructions should be on the label.标签上应该注明洗涤注意事项。When you're driving in winter you should always be on the alert for icy conditions.冬天驾车时你应该时刻警惕出现路面结冰的情况。His funeral will be on Thursday at Blackburn Cathedral.他的葬礼将于周四在布莱克本大教堂举行。We're glad to be on dry land again.我们很高兴又回到了陆地上。Drinks will be on sale during the interval.饮料于幕间休息时有售。I'll be on vacation next week.下周我要去度假。This bar is the place to be on Saturday nights.这家酒吧是人们周六晚上的好去处。Their marriage seems to be on the skids.他们的婚姻似乎在走下坡路。In answer to your question, our next meeting will be on Friday.对你的问题的回答是,我们下一次会议将在星期五举行。The test will be on the first three chapters of the book.测验范围是这本书前三章的内容。It was exhilarating to be on the road again.又上路了,真是令人兴奋啊。They were taking turns to be on the night shift.他们轮流做夜班。By sunrise tomorrow we'll be on our way.明天天亮前我们就将赶路。The men's basketball final will be on Sunday.男子篮球决赛将在星期天举行。If the book sells, next year we'll be on easy street.如果这本书销路好,明年我们的日子就好过了。His job could be on the line if results do not improve.如果他的业绩没有改观,就有可能保不住工作了。The first of the new computers may be on sale in the new year.首批新电脑可能于明年上市销售。It was good to be on dry land again after months at sea.在海上漂泊数月之后又回到陆地,真是太好了。The country seemed to be on the verge of revolution.那个国家似已濒临革命。If I agree to help, it will only be on my terms.就算我同意帮忙,那也只能以我的方式。They want to be on the alert for similar buying opportunities.他们希望及时关注到类似的购买机会。By and large I think the emphasis should be on recruiting the right people.总的来说,我认为重要的是招聘合适的人。




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