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例句 I shall return to this point in the next chapter.在下一章中我还要谈到这一点。The team looked forward to his return to coaching.球队盼望他重新执教。Discriminating travelers return to St. Bartholomew's year after year.有品味的游客年年都回到圣巴塞洛缪大教堂游览。May peace and prosperity return to this troubled land!愿和平昌盛重回这个动乱的国度!As daylight fades into darkness, everyone returns to their homes.天色渐晚,人们都回家了。They asked that he return to day trading.他们请求他回来继续做当日买卖股票的投机交易。A return to Oxford, please.请给我一张到牛津的往返票。These bolts elastically deform and return to their original dimensions when loosened.这些螺栓有弹性,受压时变形,松开时又恢复原状。She has just returned to work after the birth of her child.她生完小孩,刚刚回来上班。He was glad to return to his native shores.回到祖国他很高兴。These treatment methods enabled 80 percent of combat-fatigue-affected troops to return to duty.这些疗法使百分之八十受到战斗疲劳症影响的军人回到了岗位。She hopes to return to the office next week.她希望下个星期回去办公。He smiled briefly, then returned to his habitual frown.他只稍稍一笑,然后又习惯性地皱起了眉。Those who do not have relatives to return to are left to wander the streets and sleep rough.举目无亲的人只好四处游荡,露宿街头。Ticket holders should return to the point of purchase for a refund.持票者应回到购买点要求退款。He returned to the post with a message for the general.他带着一封给将军的信回到驻地。The situation has returned to normal in the capital.首都的局势已恢复正常。She lost her job and had to return to the kitchen sink.她失业了,只得回去干家务。They cited Alex's refusal to return to the marital home.他们举出了亚历克斯拒绝回夫妻二人的家一事。She got a blast of reality when she returned to school in the fall.秋天返回学校时,她感觉一下子就回到了现实之中。He soon returned to his old habit.他不久又故态复萌了。He returned to the fold at his 80's.他在八十高龄又恢复原来的宗教信仰。The stolen jewelry was found and returned to its rightful owner.失窃的珠宝被找到并归还给了其合法主人。There were renewed calls for a return to the peace talks.要求恢复和谈的呼声重新响起。His appetite has returned to normal.他的胃口已恢复正常。If we could return to the matter in hand, we can discuss other issues later.如果我们能够回到眼前的事情上,其他事情我们可以稍后再讨论。After a week of festivities, life returned to normal.一星期的欢庆之后,生活又恢复了常态。He returned to his home county in North Carolina.他回到了北卡罗来纳州的家乡所在县。We seem to have forgotten why we're fighting this campaign - we really need to return to first principles.我们似乎已经忘记了发起这场运动的目的——我们确实需要回到根本原则上来。Pacific salmon return to Alaskan streams to deposit their spawn.太平洋鲑鱼返回阿拉斯加的河流产卵。He has rightly interrupted his holiday in Spain to return to London.他马上中止了在西班牙的度假回到伦敦。One copy of the document should be returned to ourselves.文件的一份得还给我们。He returned to the Northwest after graduation.他毕业后回到西北部地区。Confidence has returned to the market.市场恢复了信心。She returned to her old school yesterday for a trip down memory lane.她昨天回到母校故地重游。Most of the civilians displaced by the war will be unable to return to their homes.大多数由于战争而流亡的平民都无法重返家园。We will return to these points in the concluding chapter.我们将在最后一章回到这些问题上来。Disney has returned to what it does best: making full-length animated feature films.迪士尼又回到了它最擅长的领域:制作动画故事长片。Do we really want a return to an antiquated system of privilege and elitism?我们真的想回归到一种特权和精英政治的过时制度中吗?The government was returned to office by a large majority.该政府受到大多数人支持而再度执政。




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