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词汇 General
例句 The General lifted a ban on political parties.将军解除了党派的禁令。The United Nations Secretary General called on all parties to show moderation.联合国秘书长呼吁各方要表现出克制。An action is brought by the Attorney-General at the relation of X.诉讼由检察长据某某人的告发提起。There's been a positive response to the UN Secretary-General's recent peace efforts.联合国秘书长近期为和平所作出的努力得到了积极的回应。Kofi Annan preceded Ban Ki-moon as the Secretary-General of the UN.科菲•安南在潘基文之前担任联合国秘书长。The General is ideally qualified for the job.这位将军最适合做这项工作。The General refused to be flustered.将军没有乱了方寸。The Attorney General called the sentence a fair and just punishment for someone who had committed such a dreadful crime.司法部长称这一判决对一个犯下如此可怕罪行的人而言是公正的惩罚。These diplomatic skills led to her appointment as the President of the United Nations General Assembly.凭借这些外交手腕,她被任命为联合国大会主席。The General Medical Council cannot investigate every controversial treatment brought to its attention.医务委员会无法对每起上报的有争议的治疗进行调查。General causes of thrombocytopenia include poor nutrition, infections, radiotherapy, and some drugs.导致血小板减少症的原因一般有营养不良、感染、辐射治疗和一些药物。He is still in intensive care in Bristol General Hospital.他仍住在布里斯托尔综合医院的重症监护病房。The General had promised to cede power by January.将军允诺于一月份之前交出兵权。In our library, novels are classified under Crime, Romance, and General.在我们的图书馆里,小说被分成犯罪、言情和普通这几类。The General's visit to Sarajevo is part of preparations for the deployment of extra troops.将军造访萨拉热窝是在为增加兵力部署做准备。The United Nations Secretary-General has spoken of the need for individual freedoms and human rights.联合国秘书长谈到保证个人自由和人权的必要性。The General does not like non-combatant personnel near a scene of action.将军不喜欢非战斗部队人员靠近战场。Another plot to assassinate General de Gaulle was uncovered.又一起暗杀戴高乐将军的密谋曝光。The General pinned on the medals.那位将军胸前别了很多勋章。They received a public rebuke from Secretary General for their handling of the matter.他们因为对此事处理不当受到了秘书长的公开批评。He joined Sanders Roe, moving on later to become General Manager.他加入了桑德斯·罗公司,后来一路晋升至总经理。The General was massing his troops for a counterattack.将军正在集结部队准备反攻。The General's remarks do not reflect the view of the government.这位将军的谈话并不反映政府的观点。General Motors agreed to supply trucks to the Chinese government on condition that they altered their pricing policy on cars.通用汽车公司同意向中国政府提供卡车,条件是他们必须修改汽车的价格政策。It has come to my knowledge that Lieutenant General Sanchez was present during some of these interrogations.我知道在这些询问当中有时桑切斯中尉也在场。The division was under the command of General George.这个师由乔治将军指挥。Thorpe was treated in the casualty department at Middlesborough General.索普在米德尔斯伯勒综合医院的急诊部接受治疗。General Rattigan summoned reinforcements to help resist the attack.拉蒂根将军命令增援部队协助抵挡进攻。The Attorney General was aware of the political implications of his decision to prosecute.司法部长很清楚他决定起诉可能引发的政治后果。His immediate superior, General Geichenko, had singled him out for special mention.他的直接上级盖琴科将军特别提到了他。The General refused to entertain the possibility of defeat.将军拒绝考虑失败的可能性。After the defeat General Meyer was relieved of his command.战败之后,迈耶将军被解除了指挥权。This is a direct order from the General.这是将军下达的直接命令。General Breymann had been shot dead, reportedly by one of his own men.布赖曼将军遇刺身亡,凶手据说是他自己的一个手下。He thought General Studies would be a soft option.他以为选修通识学会很轻松。On completion of the preregistration year, graduates become fully registered by the General Medical Council.预先登记期满一年,毕业生就会成为医学总会的正式注册成员。General da Souza had the intention of taking power through a coup d'etat.达·苏萨将军意欲发动政变来夺权。He referred the matter to the Attorney General for possible action against several newspapers.他把对几家报纸可能提起诉讼的事宜提交首席检察官来处理。The medical board would not pass him fit for General Service.医疗卫生委员会不会批准他为全科医生。I've made a summary of the main points in the Secretary General's speech.我给总书记的讲话要点写了一个摘要。




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