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词汇 return
例句 How much did he give you in return for your bicycle?他买你的自行车给了你多少钱? The cash or scrip would be offered as part of a pro rata return of capital to shareholders.作为按比例资本收益的一部分,股票持有者将获得现金或股息凭证。We're getting a high return rate.我们现在的利润率很高。In today's political climate the return of communism seems impossible.在当今的政治气候下,种族主义东山再起似乎是不可能的。The prisoner told the police who had ordered the killing. In return, his sentence was reduced by two years.犯人向警方供出了这次谋杀的主谋,以此获得了两年的减刑。He treats them well, and they return the favor. 他待他们好,他们也投桃报李。To make it easier to return any unwanted purchases, save the original packaging, especially for electronics and household appliances.购买商品以后,为便于把不要的商品退回,请把原包装保存好,尤其是电子产品和家电产品的原包装。He never expected to return home wearing US combat fatigues.他从没想到会穿着美国军服回家。He will return after two o'clock.他将在两点钟以后回来。He hadn't bothered to return her messages.他懒得回复她的短信。The police arranged for the return of the stolen goods. 警方对被盗物品的归还做了安排。Her serve is difficult to return.她发的球难接。The distraught parents of the missing baby have made a public appeal for her return.失踪婴儿的父母焦虑不安,公开呼吁把她送回来。He demanded the return of his money.他要求退还他的钱。The leaders have promised a return to full democracy.领导人已经承诺要回归完全的民主。The return of the robins is a sure sign of spring.知更鸟的返巢无疑是春天的象征。What can we do in return for your kindness?我们能做些什么来回报你的好意呢?We broke our return journey in Bangkok.在返程途中,我们在曼谷稍作停留。I solemnly vowed that some day I would return.我郑重发誓,总有一天我会回来。We decided to return blow for blow.我们决定以牙还牙。I feel obligated to return his call.我觉得有必要给他回电话。The people celebrated their leader's return to power.人们欢庆他们的领导人再度执政。In his galumphing way he managed to wake the whole house on his return.他走路步子又笨又重,一回来就把屋里所有人都吵醒了。She would like to see the return of the death penalty in Britain.她希望英国恢复死刑。Malcolm decided to delay his return to York.马尔科姆决定推迟他返回约克的时间。Do we really want a return to an antiquated system of privilege and elitism?我们真的想回归到一种特权和精英政治的过时制度中吗?She had to return the dress because it didn't fit.因为衣服不合适,她得把它退回。She was looking for somebody to return her affection.她在寻找一个会以柔情相报的心上人。She was happy, apart from the fact that she could not return home.除了不能回家这一点之外,她很快活。She will return from her trip sometime in December.她将于十二月的某一天旅行归来。He bought a return ticket and boarded the next train for home.他买了往返票,并登上了下一趟回家的火车。What percentage of women return to work after having a baby?生完小孩后继续工作的女性占多大比例?He took out a court injunction against the newspaper demanding the return of the document.他取得了法院强制令,要求报社归还那份文件。The satellite was stowed in the shuttle's cargo bay for return to Earth.这颗卫星被收藏在航天飞机的货舱以返回地球。The airline hopes to break even next year and return to profit the following year.那家航空公司希望明年实现收支相抵,在随后一年重新盈利。His decision to return to a form of property tax is the right one.他决定恢复征收财产税是正确的。The president made a triumphant return.总统凯旋而归。The train ran from Shanghai to Nanjing and return every day.这列车每天从上海开南京并回程。Most people in the country support the return to democratic government.国内大多数人都支持恢复民主政体。She will return to her studies after vacation.假期结束后她会回来学习。




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