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词汇 results
例句 It is a failing school with some of the worst results in the city.那所学校教学质量不达标,有些成绩是市里最差的。We did the test again because we wanted to be doubly sure the results were accurate.我们又做了一次试验,因为我们想要加倍肯定结果准确无误。We feel confident that these results are accurate.我们对这些结果的准确性是有把握的。The early results are encouraging.初步的结果是令人鼓舞的。He did it without respect to the results.他不顾结果如何干了这件事。These results were consistent between genders, and regardless of age and parent education level.这些结果在两性之间是一致的,与年龄及父母受教育程度无关。His exam results were great - we were all very pleasantly surprised.他考试成绩非常好一我们都感到非常惊喜。Make a chart and write down the results of the experiment.画个图表并把实验结果记下来。The results are based on flawed interpretations of the data.这些结论是基于对数据的错误解释而作出的。The nurse paged me to let me know the results.护士寻呼我告知结果。Littering results in an automatic fine.乱扔垃圾必然要罚款。If young children don't see quick results they grow disheartened.如果小孩子不能很快地看到成果,他们会变得灰心的。The results don't bear examination.这些结果经不起考验。I'm really thrilled with the results.我为成绩感到非常兴奋。The results were beyond our expectations. 结果超乎我们的预期。The results of the research should be used for the common good.研究成果应该服务于社会公益。He has made it abundantly clear that he expects results.他已经很明白地表示他等着看结果。When the government policies are expressed imprecisely, confusion results.政府政策的措辞含混不清,就会产生混乱。You will receive notification of the results in due course.到时候你会收到结果通知的。The raw exam results make no allowance for social background.原始的考试成绩是不受社会背景影响的。Were you pleased when you saw the results?你看到结果高兴吗?We were really sweating as we waited for the results.我们在等待结果时真的感到非常焦急。For optimum results, allow the paint to dry overnight.为了达到最理想的效果,要让油漆晾一个晚上。My parents were not at all pleased with my exam results.父母对我的考试成绩一点也不满意。The report breaks down the results region by region.报告将调查结果按地区分成若干部分。There is always a time-lag between the exam and the results.考试和出成绩之间总有一段时间间隔。These results run contrary to our expectations.这些结果同我们的期望相左。The results can be predicted with mathematical certainty.所有的结果都可精准地预测到。They are hoping to extract new insights from the test results.他们希望从测试结果中获得新的启示。These recent poor results have hastened the manager's departure.近期糟糕的业绩加速了经理的离职。We are generally pleased with the results but there are a few areas of concern.这些结果我们总体上比较满意,但仍存在着几处令人担忧的地方。The results of the study will point towards areas for further research.研究的结果将表明哪些领域还需要进一步研究。Campaign workers grew increasingly disconsolate as the results came in.竞选活动的工作人员在选举结果一一揭晓时愈来愈沮丧。The results will surprise you.结果会让你惊讶的。The foregoing helps to explain these results.前面所说的可以解释这些结果。He expects to have final results later this year.他有望在今年晚些时候拿到最终结果。The results of the study give further support to the hypothesis.这项研究的结果进一步证实了这个假设。She prided herself on being a nonconformist, on getting results by breaking the rules.她以特立独行、打破常规取得成绩而自豪。The results justified the expenditure.结果证明这钱花得值。The experiment illustrates how careful you have to be when interpreting results.这个实验说明,分析结果的时候要多么小心。




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