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词汇 restricted
例句 A line of tall trees restricted our visibility.一排大树挡住了我们的视线。Organised junior football was either restricted or logistically impossible to operate.有组织的少年足球要么受到限制,要么在管理安排上无法操作。The government restricted the use of water by proclamation.政府通过公告宣布限制用水。Education should not be restricted to any one specific age group.教育不应局限于某一特定年龄段的人群。Abortion is restricted in some American states.美国一些州禁止堕胎。In those days, visiting in the hospital was restricted to specific weekend hours only.那个时候,到医院探望病人只限在周末特定的几个小时。Abortion rights have been restricted in some places.堕胎权在一些地方受到了限制。Accommodation is restricted so a reservation is essential.铺位有限,所以有必要进行预订。The problem is not restricted to the southeast.这个问题并不只存在于东南部。Access to this information is severely restricted.这一信息的使用受到极严格的限制。These dams have restricted the flow of the river.这些大坝限制了河水的流动。The plane was attacked as it flew over restricted airspace.该机飞越禁飞区时遭到了攻击。This rule has a very restricted application.这条规则的适用范围极为有限。Entrance to universities and senior secondary schools was restricted.大学和高中的入学是受限制的。The invitation list was restricted to a few hundred of the host's most intimate friends.邀请人名单仅限几百人,都是主人最亲密的朋友。Punishments such as branding, castration and other forms of mutilation were restricted but not abolished.烙印、宫刑以及其他形式的致残性惩罚受到了限制,但尚未废除。Access is restricted to the elderly.只有老年人可进入。Women in China are no longer restricted to domestic labour now.现在,中国妇女不再被束缚于家务劳动了。The information was restricted to senior management.这条消息只限于高层管理人员知道。She felt restricted in her uniform.她穿上制服后感到很拘束。Access to the papers is restricted to senior management.只有高级管理层才有权接触到这些文件。The damage from the fire was restricted to the rear of the building. 火灾造成的损毁仅限于大楼后部。You have entered a restricted area.你已进入了禁区。Litter problems and a high fire risk mean that there is now restricted camping on the route.垃圾问题以及很高的火灾危险使现时的沿路野营活动受到限制。The US has restricted trade with India.美国已经限制同印度的贸易。These dams have restricted the flow of the river downstream.这些堤坝限制了河水顺流而下。Building in this area of town is restricted.在该城区建房是受限制的。This is on the restricted list, but not really secret.这是收入内部情报一览表的,但并非绝密。For the first two weeks patients are restricted to the grounds.在头两周里,病人们只能在院子里活动。Lack of money restricted his theatre-going.他因为缺钱而减少了去剧院的次数。So far we have restricted our attention to the local area.迄今为止,我们都把注意力局限在当地。The accident left her with restricted movement in her right leg.事故造成她右腿行动不便。Wellington Barracks is a restricted area and anyone who enters should have identification.惠灵顿兵营是军事禁区,任何人进入都须出示身份证件。Camping is restricted to five designated campgrounds.露营被限制在五个指定的露营地。It's difficult trying to work in such a restricted space.要在这么狭窄的空间工作很困难。The club was generally restricted to the upper social brackets.该俱乐部的会员一般局限于社会的上层人士。A restricted import quota was set for meat products.肉类产品有进口配额限制。New heavy industries were concentrated in tightly restricted areas.新的重工业被集中在严格限制的区域内。The building was explicitly restricted to official personnel.这座建筑明令仅限官方人员进入。The beach has restricted access. 这个海滩只有某些人可以进入。




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