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词汇 分数
例句 A number of factors account for the differences between the two scores.若干因素导致了这两个分数之间的不同。Scores on standardized tests have been steadily falling over the past ten years.标准化考试的分数在过去十年里逐渐下降了。That score is nothing to boast about. 那个分数没什么可吹的。Just mentioning his poor marks to him was waving a red rag to a bull.一提他那可怜的分数,他就会勃然大怒。I got a good/high/low mark on the spelling test.我的拼写测试得了好的分数/高分/低分。Most of the students' scores were in the upper third of the range.大部分学生的成绩都处于分数分布范围的上三分之一。Tom's marks have been above average in all the tests.汤姆所有考试的分数都高于平均分。The fraction is reducible.这个分数是可以约分的。Those runners used their wits and strength to claw back the points being lost in the field.那些跑垒员用他们的智慧和体力补回了场上丢失的分数These children scored significantly lower on intelligence tests than others in their peer group.这些孩子在智力测验中所得的分数远远低于同龄群体中的其他孩子。Her grades have shown some improvement. 她的分数证明她取得了一些进步。Now tot up the points you've scored.现在把你所得的分数相加。Just because he got a higher mark he really thinks he's it.他因为分数比别人高就自以为了不起。The final marks awarded for coursework will depend upon the moderator.课程的最后分数由评分审核人决定。Students will be marked down for failing to follow directions.学生如果不按题目要求去做,给的分数就会很低。The students' results closely matched their predicted scores.学生的考试成绩与之前预期的分数极为接近。Laura lost her place at Lancaster University after her coursework was graded down to a `U'.在劳拉的作业分数被降为不及格之后,她失去了兰开斯特大学的学籍。When we take away points for hitting obstacles, you get a final score of minus seven.我们扣去碰到障碍物的分数,你最后的得分是负七分。It is essential for all players who wish to compete that they earn computer ranking points.对所有希望参赛的选手来说,获得电脑排名的分数非常重要。He bragged that the test was easy, but when he saw his grade he changed his tune.他吹牛说考试很简单,但看到自己的分数时却变了口气。If we add these marks up, we'll get a total of 90.如果我们把这些分数加起来,总数就有九十分了。For her, such a low grade on an exam was an aberration.对她来说,考这么低的分数真是反常。My worst mark was in French dictation.我的法语听写分数最低。You need to pay more attention to your grammar if you want to get a better grade.如果你想分数更高一些,就要更加注意语法。He clearly sensed that some points could be scored.他清楚地意识到有些分数是可以拿到的。The teacher remonstrated with the boy about his low grades.教师告诫男孩,说他的分数太低了。Our students' marks are quite good vis-à-vis the national averages.与全国的平均分数相比,我们的学生的分数相当高。The students had a grasp of decimals, percentages and fractions.学生们掌握了小数、百分数分数The computer will crunch all the numbers to determine the final score.计算机会对所有数字进行计算,算出最后的分数Deb scored the highest score possible on the test.德布在考试中取得了高得不能再高的分数The USSR scored valuable propaganda points against its Western aggressors.苏联在宣传上压过了西方侵略者,赢得了宝贵的分数Her score was perfectly respectable.她的分数相当不错。You think you can get into Harvard with those grades? Get real.你认为凭那些分数你就能进哈佛大学?别做梦了。Their future depends on how well they do in these exams.他们的未来取决于他们在这些考试中取得的分数She was well-prepared and scored high on the test.她准备充分,考了很高的分数Half of the marks are for the exam, the rest are for coursework.一半分数是考试,其余的是课程作业。The teacher marked the examination papers.教师给试卷打了分数He made a real effort to improve his grades.他为提高分数付出了切实的努力。Peter was afraid he had done badly on the test, and sure enough, his grade was failing.彼得生怕自己考不好。然而正如所料,他的分数不及格。Scores in the test were not significantly related to gender.这项测试的分数与性别没有太大关联。




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