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Studying his face in the bathroom mirror he wished he had more definite features.看着浴室镜子中的脸,他真希望自己的五官能够更分明一些。The whole thing looks distinctly dodgy to me.整件事在我看来分明很诡诈。He described the referendum as a one-horse race.他称这次全民公决是一场胜负分明的比赛。The statement is patently false and an embarrassing public demonstration of his weakness as university leader.这篇声明分明是假的,还尴尬地暴露了他作为大学领导人的不足之处。The lightning lifted the whole scene into stark relief.闪电把整个景象照得轮廓极为分明。I distinctly felt the heat start to sear my throat.我分明感觉到嗓子开始烧得难受。In the real world, people's personalities do not fall into such neat categories.现实生活中人的个性不会如此分明。Britain continues to follow US policy in this and other areas where American policies have most conspicuously failed.在美国政策分明行不通的各领域,英国却仍旧追随美国政策。He was clearly trying to get at me but I refused to be provoked.他分明想攻击我,但我就是不生气。Studying his face in the bathroom mirror he wished he had more definite features.他端详着浴室镜子中自己的面容,真希望自己的五官能够更分明一些。The writing is on the wall for old manufacturing industries.古老的造业分明已经日薄西山,江河日下了。The mountain was sharply defined against the eastern sky.在东方天际的衬托下,那座山的轮廓格外分明。 |