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词汇 resemblance
例句 What happens in the film bears little resemblance to what actually happened.电影里发生的事和现实生活几乎没有相似之处。There is a close resemblance between her and her daughter.她和她女儿长得很像。I can see the family resemblance.我能看出家人之间的相似之处。There was a remarkable resemblance between him and Pete.他和皮特之间有着惊人的相似之处。She has an uncanny resemblance to her sister.她跟妹妹长得出奇地像。She bore a passing resemblance to the missing woman.她和那位失踪的女人有点儿相像。He bore an uncanny resemblance to Kirk Douglas.他的长相与柯克·道格拉斯惊人地相似。She had an uncanny resemblance to someone I had seen before.她和我以前见过的某个人出奇地像。He bears a striking resemblance to Lenin.他酷似列宁。I remarked a strong resemblance between the two boys.我注意到这两个男孩很相似。Any resemblance of a character in this book to a living person is purely incidental.书中人物若与现实人物雷同,纯属巧合。Their daily menus bore no resemblance whatsoever to what they were actually fed.他们每天的食谱和他们实际吃到的东西完全不同。Our tour prices bore little resemblance to those in the holiday brochures.我们的旅游报价和那些度假手册里的价格相去甚远。He bore a vague resemblance to the famous actor. 他看起来有点像那个著名演员。It was made of plaster, hard and white and lifeless, bearing no resemblance to human flesh.它由石膏制成,坚硬苍白,毫无生命,与人的肌体没有任何相似之处。The children have a great resemblance to their parents.孩子们和他们的父母亲十分相像。There is no resemblance between her and her sister.她和她姐姐一点都不相像。He bears/has a close/striking/strong/uncanny resemblance to his father. 他跟他父亲长得很像。You can see a passing resemblance between him and his father.你能看出来他和他父亲稍微有点像。The historical Julius Caesar bore little resemblance to Shakespeare's character.历史人物尤利乌斯·凯撒与莎士比亚剧本里的角色相去甚远。Although the fish have little external resemblance to each other, skeletally they are quite similar.虽然这种鱼在外形上相互之间几乎没有相同的地方,但它们的骨骼很相似。The headquarters of the Scottish Prison Service bore more than a passing resemblance to a badly designed prison.苏格兰监狱署总部很像一座设计拙劣的监狱。Mary's delicate figure bore a striking resemblance to her mother's.玛丽娇小的身材与她母亲十分相像。The landscape bore a superficial resemblance to England's green and pleasant land, and each house had a small suburban garden.那景色表面上像英格兰绿意融融的大地,每一栋房子都带一座有城郊特点的小花园。When you look at this painting and the one by Rembrandt, there is certainly a resemblance.看一下这幅画和伦勃朗的那一幅,两者无疑是很相似。There was an eerie resemblance between them.他们两个之间有着神秘的相似之处。The writer has a surface resemblance to Dickens.这位作家在外表上与狄更斯有相像之处。She bears a faint resemblance to my sister.她和我姐姐长得有点儿像。The resemblance between them was uncanny.他们俩像得出奇。This guy bore a really freaky resemblance to Jones.这个家伙和琼斯长得惊人地相似。There is some resemblance between the accounts of the incident.这一事件的不同记述中,有某些相似之处。The monkeys bear a superficial resemblance but are in fact quite distinct.这些猴子外表相似,但实际上大不相同。The resemblance between Susan and her sister was remarkable.苏珊和她的姐姐十分相像。He doesn't look exactly like his father, but there is some resemblance.他的相貌不完全像其父,但还是有些相似。There wasn't much family resemblance between them.他们之间没有多少亲人家属间的相似。This opinion bears some resemblance to the instrumentalist ideas.这个看法有点像工具主义的思想。Crocodiles still have a strong resemblance to their ancestors.鳄鱼和它们的祖先仍然极其相似。The new version bears little resemblance to the original.新版和原版没什么相似之处。The child bears a strong resemblance to his mother.这孩子同他母亲极其相像。The movie bears a fairly superficial resemblance to the original novel.该影片只是表面上与原著相似。




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