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词汇 research
例句 Without research we can't be sure of the size of our market or even who our market is.没有市场调查我们就无法确定我们的市场大小,甚至连哪些人是我们的顾客也不知道。Her research led to a number of important discoveries about the disease.她的研究工作对这一疾病有若干重大发现。She's doing research on Czech music.她正在研究捷克音乐。After graduation she worked as a research chemist.毕业后她做了一名化学研究员。Their discussion stimulated him to research the subject more.他们的讨论激励他进一步研究这个主题。We also plug into the research facilities available, and license technology from independent sources.我们也开始使用可用的研究设施,并从独立来源获得技术许可。Great strides have been made in medical research.医学研究取得了很大的进展。He decided to follow up on his initial research and write a book.他决定继续进行他最初的研究,然后写本书。We're able to do in-depth research and thus spot future trends.我们能作深度的研究,因而能看出未来的趋向。She was awarded the Nobel Prize for her work in medical research.她因在医学上所做的研究工作而获诺贝尔奖。We believe in investing in scientific research.我们相信科学研究的投资价值。Mendel's research was all but forgotten.孟德尔的研究几乎被遗忘了。The object of study in her research is the human brain.她的研究对象是人脑。Recent research has shown that human language is much older than we previously thought.最近的一个研究显示,人类语言的历史比我们原来想的要悠久得多。What has their research shown?他们的研究结果表明了什么?He went public with his research.他将研究结果公之于众。Her speech conveyed something of the range and diversity of research activities in the university.从她的演讲中多少可以看到大学的研究活动何其广泛又何其多样。The department provides a congenial atmosphere for research.这个部门为研究工作提供了轻松愉快的环境。After years of research, scholars have finally ascribed this anonymous play to Christopher Marlowe.经过多年研究,学者们终于认定这部佚名剧作出自克里斯托弗•马洛的手笔。The law could arrest the development of good research if applied prematurely.如果草率施行,该法律将会阻滞高质量研究的进展。In research, times of discouragement alternate with times of great achievement.在研究过程中,灰心丧气与取得伟大成就的时刻交替出现。The research provided a spur for reform.这项研究推动了改革。Fleming was carrying out other research when he stumbled on penicillin.弗莱明在进行其他研究时无意间发现了盘尼西林。The new equipment will allow us to improve our research.新设备将使我们得以改进研究工作。Stem-cell research is supported by many doctors.干细胞研究得到了很多医生的支持。My research focuses on the byways of children's literature.我的研究着眼于儿童文学这一非主流领域。The grant provides for more research.这笔拨款为更多的研究提供了保障。We have yet to see any concrete results from the research.我们还没看到这一研究的具体成果。They have teamed up for the research project.他们已结合起来进行这项研究项目。Faculty members devote most of their time to scholarly research.全院教师大部分时间都用来从事学术研究。Their theory is built upon her research.他们的理论是建立在她的研究基础上的。She's a botanist and spent several years doing research in the tropics.她是个植物学家,花了几年时间在热带地区做研究。We need to research/look further into this matter.我们需要进一步研究/调查此事。He blamed the failure of their research on poor methodology.他把他们的研究失败归咎于方法不当。Scientists need to be objective when doing research.科学家作研究时要客观。She told the audience, by way of introduction, that the research was completed a year ago.作为开场白,她告诉听众此项研究一年前就完成了。Recent research on deaf children has produced some interesting findings.对失聪儿童的最新研究有了一些值得注意的发现。Further research has resulted in a more profound appreciation of the problem.进一步的研究加深了对该问题的理解。They are planning a major expansion in research and development.他们正计划大范围扩展研发领域。He is coordinating a Europe-wide research programme into treatments for prostate cancer.他正在协调一项全欧洲治疗前列腺癌的研究计划。




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