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词汇 转弯
例句 A bus came round the corner and braked sharply.一辆公共汽车从转弯的地方开过来,并紧急刹车。He was really moving as he came round the bend.转弯时速度真是快。You go around corners too fast when you're driving!转弯时开得太快!They heeled the yacht right over to make the turn.他们把快艇倾斜到正好可以转弯Be careful, the road twists up ahead.小心,前方道路有转弯The ball screwed wide of the target.这个球转弯后大大偏离了目标。The car turned into a side road.汽车转弯开进一条小路。And suddenly, as I turned the corner, I saw her.转弯时突然看到了她。The skier made a series of effortless turns.滑雪者做了一套轻松自如的转弯动作。As I turned the corner the sun blinded me, so I didn't see the other car.转弯时阳光太晃眼,所以我没有看见另外那辆车。She took the curve too fast and the car skidded.转弯太快,汽车打滑了。We kept our eyes peeled for a sign that would tell us where to turn.我们仔细寻找哪里可以转弯的标识。If you're going to turn you're supposed to signal.如果要转弯,应该打转向灯示意。The driver lost control on a curve and crashed into a tree.司机在转弯的时候失去控制,撞到了一棵树上。The high-tech steering means that even huge tractors can turn on a dime.高科技转向装置使巨大的拖拉机也可以在极小的空间内转弯Turn off at the sign to Walton.在指向沃尔顿的路标处转弯Use your blinker when you turn.转弯时要开转向灯。The suspension still keeps the car stable when cornering.减震装置使轿车在转弯时仍然很稳当。His car swung round at the crisscross.他的车在十字街口处突然转弯了。The road turns south outside town.此路在城外转弯向南。The turn of the airplane was so shallow that he felt no tilt in his seat.飞机转弯非常平缓,以至他在座位上并不感到倾斜。He turned the corner a little too fast, narrowly missing the boy who ran into the road to wave him down.转弯有点急,差一点就撞倒那个冲上马路拦他车的男孩。Ease off a bit as you go round the bend.转弯时开慢点。Hold on tight when we go around the corner.我们转弯时大家都要抓牢扶好。The driver's winking his lights; he's turning this way.司机打着一闪一闪的灯光信号,表示他要向这边转弯According to the map we missed our turn back there.从地图上来看,我们错过了在前面那个地方转弯The accident happened on a blind bend.事故发生在一个转弯的盲区。They could turn, climb and stunt quicker than any two-seater.它们在转弯、爬高和表演特技时比任何双座飞机更快。I eased off the accelerator before entering the bend.我在转弯前松了下油门。The cyclist wiped out coming around the curve.那个骑自行车的人转弯时跌倒了。The plane made a steep bank to avoid the tall building.飞机大坡度倾侧转弯,以避开那座高大的建筑。Take the next turning but two on your left.在你左方第三个路口转弯The car took the corner too fast and went off the road.汽车转弯太快,开出了路面。Seeing the van was gaining on him, he turned suddenly onto a dirt road.看到小货车在追上来,他突然转弯开到一条烂泥路上去了。Kathy was turning the corner when one of the front tyres blew.凯西正在转弯,这时车的一个前轮突然爆胎了。The boat heeled steeply during the turn.这条小船在转弯时倾侧得很厉害。It's an awkward corner, so take it slowly.这个转弯不好过,开慢点儿。Dyson came off his bike as he rounded the last corner, but wasn't badly hurt.戴森在最后一个弯道转弯时从摩托车上摔下来,但伤得不重。The car holds the road well when turning quickly.这辆车快速转弯时抓地很稳。The motorcycle turned the corner too quickly, and sideswiped a car coming towards it.摩托车转弯时速度太快,擦边撞上了迎面而来的汽车。




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