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词汇 转弯处
例句 He lost control of his car when a front/rear wheel hit a rock as he approached the first bend.在快到第一个转弯处时他的汽车前/后轮碰到了一块石头,失去了控制。He made a rapid gear change as he approached the bend.快到转弯处时,他急速换挡。The two cars cartwheeled horrifyingly into the sand trap at the first corner.两辆车在第一个转弯处侧翻,掉进了沙坑,场面非常吓人。In times of flood, the stream roars and foams, banking the curves like a bobsleigh.发洪水时,河流怒吼翻腾、泛着白沫,像无舵雪橇一样急速冲过转弯处She knew there was a gas station just around the corner. 她知道转弯处就有一家加油站。Take the first turning on the right.在第一个转弯处向右拐。Simon Short, running for Scotland, is in the lead as they come round the final bend.代表苏格兰队参加赛跑的西蒙·肖特在最后一个转弯处领先。Take the next turning on the right.在下个转弯处右拐。Never try to overtake on a bend.千万别在转弯处超车。The boat nosed around the bend.船绕着转弯处小心翼翼地向前航行。Slow down as you approach the bend.快到转弯处时要减速。The car went out of control on a bend and plummeted down an embankment.汽车在转弯处失去了控制,一头扎下了堤岸。The bicyclists turned the corner at full speed.自行车手们全速骑过转弯处A twist in the road hid them from view.他们消失在路的转弯处The car changed down just before the turning.汽车在将到转弯处时放慢了车速。There was a kink in the path just before the bridge.快要过桥的那段路上有一个转弯处As she approached the bend, a dog sprang into the road.当她走近道路的转弯处时,一条狗跳到路上。The car overtook the leader of the race on the turn.这辆车在转弯处超过了领先的赛车。It's dangerous to overtake on a bend.转弯处超车是很危险的。Overtaking on a bend is dangerous.转弯处超车是很危险的。We had overshot that turning again.我们又飞速驶过那个转弯处




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