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词汇 oak tree
例句 We took shelter under an oak tree.我们在一棵橡树下避雨。We took shelter beneath a huge oak tree.我们躲在一棵大橡树下。An oak tree cast its shadow over a tiny round pool.一棵橡树的影子投射在一洼圆形的小水池上。The disease has devastated the area's oak tree population.疾病破坏了这个地区的橡树种群。The birds nested in the oak tree.鸟在橡树上筑巢。We found a shady nook under an old oak tree.我们在一棵老橡树下找到了一个阴凉的角落。A light breeze stirred the leaves of the tall oak tree outside her window.微风吹拂着她窗外高大的橡树的树叶。The storm brought the old oak tree crashing down.暴风雨把这棵老橡树刮倒了。I looked up to see her straddling one of the huge branches of the oak tree.我抬起头来,只见她跨腿坐在橡树上一根粗大的树枝上。An enormous oak tree stands at the entrance to the school.学校门口长着一棵硕大的栎树。He was a huge man, built like an oak tree.他是个大块头,结实得像棵橡树。She was sitting in the shade of a large oak tree.她坐在一棵大橡树的树阴下。If you cast your mind back, you'll remember that an oak tree used to grow here.你如果回忆一下,就会记得这里曾经长着一棵橡树。They planted an oak tree in the middle of the field.他们在田地中央种了一棵橡树。The small plants are the progeny of an oak tree.这些矮小的植物是橡树的后代。There's an enormous oak tree at the edge of the garden.花园的边缘有一棵巨大的橡树。They found shelter from the storm under a large oak tree.他们在一棵大橡树下躲避暴风雨。They squeezed through a narrow opening between the fence and an oak tree.他们勉强挤过篱笆和橡树之间的狭窄缝隙。




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