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词汇 oars
例句 The crewmen double-banked each of the oars.每把桨由两名船员合划。The oars had churned up the mud, clouding the water.船桨搅起烂泥,水变得一片浑浊。She dipped her oars into the water and pulled.她把桨放到水中划起来。They caught crabs with their oars and broached the tiny boat to.他们划桨过猛,使小船突然横转。The boatmen accompany the stroke of their oars with the sound of their voices.船夫们一边划桨一边喊号子。She has learned to spell at the oars.她学会了轮班划船。Our rowboat's course was erratic after we lost the oars.丢了桨之后我们划艇的航向飘忽不定。They think that now the country is free, it can rest on its oars.他们认为国家既已争得自由就不必勤奋苦干了。The oars were lashed to the sides of the boat.桨拴在船的两侧。I have been chained to the oars of this company for over 20 years, and now you dare to dismiss me in this way.我在本公司辛辛苦苦干了二十多年,现在你竟敢就这么把我开除了。Perhaps now they can sit back and rest on their oars.也许现在他们可以坐下来休息一下了。She gripped the oars and began rowing the boat to shore.她紧握双桨,开始把船向岸边划去。We pulled hard on the oars.我们用力划桨。I love to hear oars rhythmically taking the water.我爱听船桨有节奏的击水声。Mustering all her strength, Nancy pulled hard on both oars.南希使出所有力气,用力划动双桨。The sailors stopped rowing and shipped their oars.水手们停止划船,并把桨收进船内。We each took a turn at the oars.我们每个人都划了一会儿船。I heard the splash of oars, and a rowing boat came into view.我听到了桨划水的声音,一只划艇出现在眼前。




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