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词汇 replacing
例句 The bank assesses a fee for replacing lost credit cards.银行对补办丢失的信用卡要收费。He made a very professional job of replacing the windows.他很专业地更换了窗户。If you can stomach replacing most of your meals with shakes and soups, this is the diet for you.如果你能习惯以奶昔和汤取代大部分膳食,这就是你的规定饮食了。Shake the rugs well and hang them for a few hours before replacing on the floor.把地毯好好抖抖,挂起来晾上几小时再铺到地板上。I'm replacing Sue on the team.我将接替队里的休。The report found that many of Yorkshire's water mains needed replacing.报告中说约克郡的很多自来水总管道需要更换。The company has spent millions of dollars replacing outdated computer hardware.该公司花费数百万美元更换过时的电脑硬件。The car is so old that replacing the engine is not worth the candle. 这辆车这么旧了,换发动机不值。The revamp includes replacing the old navy uniform with a crisp blue and white cotton outfit.这项改进包括用清新的蓝白棉套装取代旧的海军制服。They're replacing the windows with more authentic ones.他们要把窗子换成样式更传统一些的。Putting in a new kitchen can cost very little if you are simply replacing an old one.如果只是把旧的厨房设施换成新的就花不了多少钱。The offside rear wheel needs replacing.右后轮需要更换了。The calculator is rapidly replacing the abacus.计算器正在迅速取算盘而代之。The firm has been dismissing experienced staff and replacing them with younger people on lower salaries.公司在解雇经验丰富的员工,并以较低的薪水雇用年轻人取代他们。I considered replacing that part of the floor but decided it wasn't worth the bother.我考虑过换掉那块地板,但又觉得不值得这么麻烦。It was Johnson's first season after replacing Tom Landry as coach of the Cowboys.那是约翰逊接替汤姆·兰德利担任牛仔队教练后的首个赛季。Our budget won't run to replacing all the computers.我们的预算不够更换所有的计算机。They're replacing the old windows with modern ones.他们正用新式的窗户替换旧窗户。She is replacing the departing manager. 她将接替即将离职的经理。After the water main broke, the Monday-morning quarterbacks in the media criticized the city for not replacing the old pipes.自来水总管道破裂后,媒体界的事后诸葛亮们纷纷谴责市政府没更换老管道。A rear body panel needed replacing after the accident.事故之后,车身的一块后车板需要更换。It would be false economy to repair the leak without replacing the pipe.只修复裂缝而不更换管道是治标不治本,最终会得不偿失。A customer took a perfectly serviceable washing machine in for repair, only to be told it needed replacing.一位顾客带着一台性能尚好的洗衣机来修,不料竟被告知该换洗衣机了。Most major industries are not replacing retiring workers.大多数主要工业部门不准备找人替补那些即将退休的工人。They are replacing their old aircraft with more fuel-efficient models.他们正在用更高效使用燃料的飞机型号取代旧飞机。They were replacing experienced men with raw recruits.其时,他们正用有经验的人员替代新人。The visual image is steadily replacing the written word.视觉图像正在逐渐取代文字。




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