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It is said that little water sprites lived in this river.传说这条河里住有小水妖。They are sounding the river.他们在测量河道的深度。Some factories in this locality still discharge waste water into the river.这一地区有些工厂仍把废水排入河中。Monsoons caused the river to burst its banks.季风雨使河堤决口。The river is too dangerous to navigate.这河道太危险,不能航行。We had no way of getting our equipment across the river.我们没办法把设备运过河去。They formed a human bridge across the river.他们在河上搭起了一座人桥。The bridge crosses over the river.那座桥横跨在河上。The river runs into the gulf.这条河流入海湾。The river is freezing cold this time of year.每年的这个时候,河水冰冷。As the name implies, Oxford was the place at which oxen could ford the river.牛津这个名字的含义是牛可以涉水而过的地方。The river is too swift to swim.这河水流太急,不能游泳。The river heads in the mountains.这条河发源于群山中。The river broke its banks during the flood.洪水期间河水冲破了堤岸。We heard a child's cries for help coming from the river.我们听到河那边传来一个小孩喊救命的声音。As the river slows down, it deposits a layer of soil.河水流速变慢时,一层泥沙便沉积下来。There is no other way whereby we can cross the river.我们没有别的办法过河。Campsites straddled the river.露营地横跨这条河流。Now the river bed is bone dry.现在河床已完全干涸了。The plane plunged its nose first into the river.飞机机头朝下坠入水中。Further on, the river turns east.再往前,这条河就折向东流。The river is at its highest level for several years.这条河几年来都保持在最高水位。The river was alive with birds.因为有各种鸟,这条河显得生气勃勃。They had managed to pipe the water in from the river nearby.他们已经设法用管道把附近的河水引进来。Toxic chemicals were spilled into the river.有毒化学品流入了河里。Heavy rains swelled the river.大雨使河水上涨。The river turns east for a few miles and then continues south.河流向东流了几英里之后又向南流去。The river supplies water to the city unfailingly.这条河经久不衰地为这个城市供水。A child swimming in the river had become entangled in the weeds and been drowned.一个在河里游泳的孩子被水草缠住,淹死了。The river forms part of the border between the two countries.这条河构成了两国的一段边境线。She dabbled her toes in the river.她把脚趾伸在河中嬉水。The river expanded into a small lake.那条河逐渐汇聚成一个小湖。John took me down the river in the old boat.约翰用这条老旧小船带我沿河而下。The river broadens out at this point.河道在这里开始变宽。The river was in flood after the heavy rain.大雨过后河水泛滥了。His canoe was there, on the river below the rapids.他的独木舟在险滩下面的河水中。There is a beautiful walk along the river.河边有一条环境优美的人行道。When I reached the river, I simply swam across.到河边后,我直接游了过去。The fish lay their eggs in the shallows of the river.鱼在河的浅滩产卵。The river forks three miles down.这条河在下游三英里处岔流。 |