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词汇 repairs
例句 We claimed for the car repairs on the insurance.我们向保险公司索要汽车修理费用。Merchants say sales have not been affected by the road repairs.店主说生意没有受到修路的影响。Even newly built houses can need repairs.即使新建房屋也可能需要修葺。Following the repairs to the roof, church funds are now seriously depleted.在对屋顶进行修缮之后,教堂的资金现在严重吃紧。I hope the repairs hold up until we can get to a garage.我希望这样修一下能让我们坚持到修车厂。Read the schematic before attempting any repairs.开始修理之前先看一看简图。To check for previous body repairs, run your eye over the panels.要检查先前做过的整体检修,可以大概看看那些仪表板。To have a better comparison, we need to go further and address such issues as repairs and insurance.为了更好地作出比较,我们需要深入考虑维修、保险等问题。She went to a cosmetic surgeon for repairs to her appearance.她去整容外科医生处整容。My car is in the garage for repairs.我的车正放在修车厂里维修。The polymer repairs damaged cells by patching holes in damaged membranes.聚合物是通过给受损细胞膜补洞的方式来修复受损细胞的。Production was halted until repairs could be effected.生产已经暂停,直至修复工作完成。We aren't very practical so we usually hire someone to do the major repairs.我们的动手能力都不强,所以通常聘请人来做重要的修理工作。I hate having builders botch up repairs on my house.我不愿意让维修工人把我的房子弄得一团糟。Ask for the history of the car if it is a repo, and go through the details of the owners, the mileage and the repairs that have been carried out on it. 询问汽车的历史,是不是被收回的车,然后看一遍车主们的细节、里程和维修历史等。They're doing some repairs to make the roof more watertight.他们在进行一些修理,以加强屋顶的防水性。We will send you an estimate for the repairs.我们会将这次修理的估价发送给你。The cost of repairs has greatly increased in recent years.近年来,修理费上涨很多。The committee are currently getting estimates for repairs to the stonework.委员会目前正在为石制部分的修复估价。Turn off the water supply before carrying out repairs.进行维修前先要把水源关闭。The repairs will probably run into thousands of dollars.维修费可能会达数千美元之多。Emergency repairs were expected to take three weeks.抢修工作预计要花三个星期。Dan had to pay for the repairs out of his own pocket.丹必须自己掏腰包支付修理费用。The highway is undergoing major repairs.公路正在进行大修。That section of the motorway is closed for repairs.高速公路的那个路段因维修而关闭。Someone's made a right pig's ear of these repairs.有人把这些修理的活儿干得一团糟。Kang has made most of the repairs to our satisfaction.康的大部分修理工作我们都满意。The policyholder may authorize repairs without waiting for an assessor.投保人可以授权进行修理,而无需等待保险核损员。The school needs major structural repairs.这所学校需要在建筑结构方面进行重大修补。The contract says quite clearly that the landlord must pay for all repairs to the house.合同上写得明明白白,房东必须支付房屋的修缮费用。We pay for any repairs that need doing to the house, and are reimbursed by the landlord.我们支付所有必需的房屋修缮费,然后房东把这笔钱补还给我们。The insurance will cover the cost of all repairs to the vehicle.这种保险承保这辆汽车的所有修理费。They had to dip into their savings to pay for the repairs.他们不得不动用存款来支付修理费。He overcharges for car repairs.他修车要价过高。The council is said to have been overpaying for repairs made by its housing department.据说市政委员会一直在向其房管部支付过高的维修费。We apologize for any inconvenience caused during the repairs.我们为维修期间造成的任何不便道歉。We'll be closing the theater while we make the necessary repairs.我们将暂时关闭剧院以进行必要的维修。I can't make the repairs without the proper tools or materials.没有适当的工具或材料,我没法修理。The government permits off-hour craftsmen and the unemployed to perform repairs.政府允许空闲的工匠和失业的人干修理工作。We plan to do the repairs in winter, when we have the fewest visitors.我们打算在冬天整修,那个时候客人最少。




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