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词汇 潺潺
例句 A spring rills down by the gorge.泉水潺潺地流下山峡。The little stream murmured at the foot of the garden.小溪在花园下面潺潺流过。We picnicked beside a bubbling stream.我们在潺潺的小溪旁野餐。We heard a fountain burbling nearby.我们听见附近的喷泉潺潺作响。The sound of the river boiled along the banks.河水沿河岸潺潺流淌。The water prattled over the rocks.潺潺地流过石块。The eddying water made gurgling noises against the rock.水中的漩涡拍打在岩石上,潺潺作响。The water gurgles along the narrow channel.潺潺地从狭窄的沟渠流过。The water was bubbling away.水正在潺潺流动。Danny looked down at the stream bubbling through the trees nearby.丹尼朝下望去,只见溪水潺潺流过附近的树林。I stretched out and listened to the sound of the rushing stream.我躺了下来,听着潺潺的溪流。Nearby a stream was gurgling. 附近的小溪发出潺潺的流水声。




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