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词汇 repairing
例句 The mayor is leading us down a/the primrose path by refusing to maintain the roads and only repairing them after they fail.市长平时不注重道路的维护,等坏了才维修,这是带领我们得过且过,走向灾难。One of the back steps needs repairing.后楼梯有一级需要修理。He soiled his hands repairing the car.他修汽车弄脏了手。His typewriter jumps and needs repairing.他的打字机老是跳键,需要修理一下。He has paid out a lot of money on repairing the house.他已花了好多钱修理房子。I'll have a go at repairing the roof myself.我要试一下自己来修屋顶。The cost of repairing the car includes parts and labor.修车费包括零件费用和人工费。A close study of the small print will reveal that many of these insurance policies do not cover the cost of repairing storm damage.如果把细则仔细研究一下,就会发现这其中许多保险单不包括风暴所造成的损坏的修理费。We waited until we were on shore before repairing the sails.我们等到上了岸才开始修帆。He soiled his hands repairing the machine.他修理机器弄脏了手。Blacksmiths spent most of their time repairing tools and shoeing horses.铁匠大部分时间都在修理工具和钉马掌。The roof requires repairing.屋顶需要修理了。My mechanic specializes in repairing foreign cars.我的机修工专门修理进口车。The house needs repairing, but John can't run to it.房子需要修整,但是约翰没钱办到。She was repairing Billy's trousers, where the seam had come undone.她在补比利的裤子,线缝松开了。This money should cover the cost of repairing the wall.这笔钱应该够支付修墙的费用。Workers are repairing the underside of the bridge.工人正在维修桥梁的底部。A gang of workmen were repairing the road.一群工人在修路。This old lawn mower isn't worth repairing.这台旧的割草机不值得修了。She made her living repairing and refinishing wood floors.她以修理和重饰木地板为生。Builders spent several weeks repairing the roof.建筑工人花了几个星期时间修补屋顶。The cost of repairing the damage could run into millions.所受损坏的修缮费用可能要几百万元。The bathtub drain needs repairing.浴盆的排水管需要修理。We'll have to pay out a lot on repairing the house.我们将为修理这房子花很多钱。Can you see your way to repairing it immediately?你觉得有可能马上修好它吗? Dad was up the ladder, repairing the roof.爸爸在梯子上修补屋顶。We need to spend more money on maintaining and repairing infrastructure.我们需要花更多的钱来维修基础设施。The money collected will be put towards repairing the church roof.募集到的钱款将用于修缮教堂屋顶。He went ashore leaving me to start repairing the torn sail.他上岸去了,留下我修理被撕破的船帆。He is very experienced in/at repairing cars.他修车很有经验。He quoted 2,000 dollars for repairing the door.他要价两仟元修那扇门。Some of the money they raise will be devoted to repairing the church's roof.他们募集的一部分资金将用于修葺教堂屋顶。He's exclusively employed on repairing cars.他受雇专门修理汽车。They are repairing high-tension cables.他们在修理高压电缆。He couldn't finish repairing the engine because he didn't have the right tools.他无法修好引擎,因为他没有合适的工具。The garage said the car was so old it wasn't worth repairing.修车厂的人说这辆车太旧,不值得修了。He's been earning a bomb repairing computers at home for people.他靠在家里帮人修理电脑赚大钱。We succeeded in repairing the engine.我们修好了发动机。




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