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词汇 remark
例句 He was startled by their angry reaction to his innocent remark.他们对他那毫无恶意的话如此愤怒,使他大为惊讶。Did you gather the implications of her remark?你猜到她那番话的含意了吗? She was hurt by his bold remark.她被他唐突无礼的话所伤害。He paused momentarily to check that his listeners had fully appreciated the humour of his remark.他停了一会儿,看看听众是否完全领会他话中的幽默。He was still fuming over the remark.他还在为那句话生气。He then drops a flippant remark about what his boss is doing.然后,他随口对老板正在做的事情作了轻率的评论。His tactless remark killed the conversation.他一句不得体的话使谈话无法继续下去了。That was a very childish remark.这话真是太幼稚了。Lena quickly jumped in with a diverting remark.莉娜马上插了一句有趣的话。His reaction was out of all proportion to her remark.他的反应与她的话完全不相称。At the most solemn moments he will make an ironic remark.在最严肃的时刻,他都会冷言冷语。She made a disparaging remark about men.她说了一句贬低男人的话。I didn't mean any offence. It was a flippant, off-the-cuff remark.我并无冒犯之意。那只是随口说出的一句轻率话。He made a degrading remark about my weight.他拿我的体重来羞辱我。Her remark drew angry retorts from the unemployed workers.她的话遭到了失业工人愤怒的反驳。I'll take that remark as a compliment.我将把那句话当作是夸奖。What you mean as a casual remark could be misinterpreted.你随便说的一句话,可能就被曲解了。His remark really made her burn.他的话确实使她恼怒。The remark about his weight was a cheap shot.对他的体重说三道四是对他的中伤。It was a chance remark that might have passed unnoticed.这是偶然说出的一句话,也许未被觉察到。She could see that her remark had hit home.她看得出她说中了要害。Now I see why you took it so big when you heard his remark.现在我明白了你听到他的议论时为什么反应如此强烈。We seized on his remark and regarded it as a promise.我们抓住他的话把它当作是一种承诺。That remark lacks taste.那番言论缺乏判断力。That remark brought his guilt home to him.那句话使他痛感自己的罪责。He made an insinuating remark/comment about my weight.他拐弯抹角地评论我的体重。He fired up at the remark.他一听这话突然发怒了。In the state I was in, this seemed a perfectly sensible remark.根据我当时的情况,这么说似乎完全合乎情理。The boss kicked him out for an offensive remark.老板因为他说了一句冒犯的话就把他开除了。His remark passed unnoticed.他的话谁也没在意。Chris met the remark with a scowl.克里斯听到这句话,脸沉了下来。This remark brought applause from the audience.这番话赢得了观众的掌声。It offends me that you would make such a remark.你要发表如此的评论,这让我生气。Politically speaking it was a rather unwise remark.从政治上来讲,这是很不明智的一句话。I knew I had dropped a brick in making that remark.我知道那句话一出口我便闯下了祸。Did you remark the man at the door?你有没有注意到门口那个男子? I'm sorry. That remark was quite uncalled for.对不起,我失言了。We let the remark pass without comment. 我们对此言论不做任何评论。He bridged the awkward silence with a funny remark.他说了句笑话,打破了尴尬的冷场。Laura heard his remark, and felt her hackles rising.劳拉听到他的话火就大了。




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