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词汇 想方设法
例句 She was doing everything she could to glamorize and publicize her cause.想方设法美化和宣传她的事业。His competitors have tried to muscle in on his business.他的竞争对手想方设法插手他的生意。He's always trying to put me down.他总是想方设法使我在众人面前下不了台。In the interview, they kept trying to trip me up.采访时,他们一直想方设法让我说错话。Apparently, they had escaped somehow and gotten home.显然,他们想方设法逃回了家里。She managed to shine politically.想方设法在政治上崭露头角。They tried unsuccessfully to lever him out of his job. 他们想方设法要把他从岗位上赶走,但没成功。Trying to find a solution to the problem had left the sisters mentally exhausted.姐妹几个想方设法要找出问题的解决方法,结果弄得个个伤透脑筋。Those who have lost their jobs struggle to pay their supermarket bills.那些失业的人们想方设法以支付超市的账单。Businesses manoeuvred to have their industry organized to their own advantage.企业想方设法,要让他们的行业结构符合自己的利益。He was trying to convince his audience of his seriousness.想方设法使观众相信他是认真的。Less scrupulous companies find ways to evade the law.一些不怎么诚信的公司会想方设法逃避法律。She has managed to insinuate herself into the city's highest social circles.想方设法跻身于本市的上流社会。The school have bent over backwards to accommodate Jan's mobility difficulties.学校想方设法顾及简的行动不便。Despite all his cheating, he came a cropper in the exams.尽管他想方设法作弊,考试还是考砸了。Merchandisers were seeking ways to precondition the customer to buy their product.推销商正想方设法使顾客有意购买他们的产品。The companies are maneuvering for position in the limited market.各家公司都想方设法在有限的市场中争得地盘。I remembered all my vain attempts to change his mind.我还记得如何想方设法改变他想法却徒劳无功。He went to great lengths to keep their name out of the papers.想方设法不让他们的名字见报。He was trying to divert/distract attention away from his friend's mistake. 他正想方设法掩盖他朋友的过失。Somehow we kept the ship afloat.我们想方设法使船没有下沉。They have tried very hard to integrate with the local community.他们想方设法要融入当地社区。We're trying to sell the furniture, such as it is.我们在想方设法卖掉家具,虽然家具质量不是太好。Doctors are obliged by law to try to keep their patients alive.医生按法律有责任想方设法让病人活下去。He tried his best to get you to give me the chuck.想方设法要你辞退我。They're always trying to devalue my contribution to the department.他们总是想方设法贬低我对该部门的贡献。He managed to get in good with the boss. 想方设法与老板套上了近乎。He has managed to touch all the bases necessary, and trade goes on.想方设法把所有必要的事情都处理妥当,生意也维持了下来。We're still trying to worm it out of him.我们还在想方设法从他那里套出话来。She had been trying to provoke her sister into an argument.她一直在想方设法惹姐姐来吵一架。I suspect he's playing her up one way or another.我怀疑他正想方设法给她制造麻烦。I tried to get him to change his mind, but it was a losing battle. 想方设法让他改变主意,但却是白费口舌。I'm still trying to work her out.我仍然在想方设法摸清她的脾气。Somehow Debbie maintained an inner reserve of strength.戴比想方设法保存了体力。Employers will always try to find ways to evade tax.雇主总是会想方设法逃税。Union leaders have promised to leave no stone unturned in their search for a way to keep the factory open.工会领导人承诺要想方设法让这家工厂运作下去。My mother tried to fix me up with one of her friends' sons.我母亲想方设法安排我和她朋友的儿子约会。She's doing everything she can to make life difficult for him.想方设法让他日子难过。These thoughts occupied my mind, though I tried to sleep.虽然我想方设法入睡,可脑子里老想着这些事情。They somehow manage to work without the benefit of modern technology.他们想方设法在没有现代技术辅助的情况下工作。




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