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They will not allow your more way-out ideas to pass unchallenged.他们不会再听任你抛出更多离经叛道的想法。Now that the pretence was over, he could tell them what he really thought.既然不用假装了,他可以告诉他们自己的真实想法了。Laurie finds it difficult to relate to children.劳里觉得很难理解小孩子的想法。It's useful to have someone to bounce ideas off.能有个人谈谈想法很有用。That is a very, very foolish idea.那是个非常非常可笑的想法。You and me have the same ideas about ending this war.我和你对结束这场战争有着同样的想法。He has sent his proposals in the hope of stoking up interest for the idea.他已经提交自己的建议,希望能激起大家对该想法的兴趣。He overvalues the opinions of his friends.他把朋友们的想法看得太重了。The idea was canvassed at last week's meeting.该想法是在上周的会上提出来讨论的。The children thought the idea a whole lot of fun.孩子们觉得这想法非常有趣。Children get some very funny ideas sometimes!.小孩子的想法有时候真是稀奇古怪!It's a good idea, but implementing it won't be as simple as you think.这想法不错,但实施起来就没有你想的那么容易。His thoughts about going to Hangzhou came to nothing.他要到杭州去的想法没有实现。His ideas were discarded like worthless garbage.他的想法像毫无价值的垃圾一样被弃置不用。Where did you get those cockeyed ideas?你那些疯狂的想法是哪儿来的?The idea of handing down his knowledge from generation to generation is important to McLean.把自己的知识一代代传下去的想法对麦克莱恩来说很重要。President Mubarak was particularly unfavourable to the idea.穆巴拉克总统尤其不赞同这一想法。Many people may be of this persuasion.很多人可能有这种想法。His ideas are beyond my grasp.他的想法我不能理解。Let's not just dismiss the idea before we've even thought about it.我们还是别不假思索就把这种想法排除在外。I think, if I may say so, that this isn't the right idea.我认为,我很抱歉这么说,这不是个正确的想法。Many people were openly hostile to the idea.很多人公开反对这一想法。He had various ideas on how to raise capital for the project.他有许多为该工程集资的想法。His ideas differ little from those of his father.他的想法与他父亲没有多少差别。I'm very much against the idea that it is the woman's job to bring up the child.对于抚养孩子是女人的活儿这一想法,我坚决反对。I tried every argument, but he didn't yield an inch.我用尽各种理由想改变他的想法,但他不为所动。She tends to keep her opinions close to her chest.她往往把自己的想法藏在心里。It was just a thought.这仅是个想法。He's been rather negative about the idea.他对这种想法一直持相当否定的态度。He found it difficult to put ideas into words.他发现很难用语言表达自己的想法。Every now and again he risks the odd thoughtful descant of his own.时不时地,他大胆提出与众不同、颇有创见的想法。There are some interesting things in your report.你的报告里有一些有趣的想法。The whole idea was preposterous.整个想法太荒谬了。Many people would disagree with your ideas.许多人会不同意你的想法。A terrible thought loomed up in my mind.一个可怕的想法浮现在我的头脑中。A small minority remained stubbornly opposed to the idea.一小部分人仍在顽强抵制这一想法。I find her ideas really interesting.我发觉她的想法确实很有趣。I would be grateful if he could cast an expert eye over it and tell me what he thought of it.如果他能够以专家的眼光浏览一下,告诉我他的想法,我将非常感激。She stayed the whole hour but didn't contribute any ideas.她待了整整一个小时,但没提出任何想法。Most of his ideas were really out-there.他的大部分想法的确与众不同。 |