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While searching for a way to augment the family income, she began making dolls.为了想法子增加家庭收入,她开始制作洋娃娃。She organized a camp bed for herself.她想法子给自己弄了一张行军床。She's trying to find a way to get some of that extra work off her hands.她正努力想法子减轻部分额外工作。He managed to get into the private club through the back door because he has a friend who works there.因为有朋友在那家私人俱乐部工作,他想法子走后门进去了。He was always trying to persuade me to go out drinking with him.他老是想法子说服我和他一起出去喝酒。I somehow managed to pack all my gear into one suitcase.我想法子把我所有的装备都塞到了一个手提箱里。 |