例句 |
Whereas West Germans drink wine, their Eastern cousins prefer Schnapps.西德人喝葡萄酒,而他们东德的兄弟姐妹则喜欢喝杜松子酒。The lack of enthusiasm for unification among most West Germans fills him with disappointment.大多数西德人对统一缺乏热情,这令他无比失望。Many West Germans are anxious about the potential cost of unification.许多西德人都很担忧国家统一的潜在代价。Whereas West Germans drink wine, their Eastern cousins prefer schnapps.西德人喝葡萄酒,而他们的东德同胞则喜欢喝杜松子酒。The lack of enthusiasm for unification among most West Germans fills him with disappointment.大多数西德人都没有渴望统一的热情,这令他无比失望。 |