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His mother regarded him with a speculative eye.他母亲用充满疑惑的目光注视着他。The building is regarded as one of the jewels of modern architecture.这座大楼被视为现代建筑的瑰宝。Stephen was regarded as an eligible bachelor.史蒂芬被认为是一个合意的单身汉。Dr Bridges is regarded as the world leader in psychosurgery.布里奇斯医生被认为是全球精神外科领域的执牛耳者。The mayoral election is regarded as the litmus test for the integrity of the electoral process.市长竞选被认为是检验选举程序是否完善的试金石。The crash could be reasonably regarded as an opportunity to invest.这种暴跌有理由被看作是投资的机会。She stood back and regarded him coldly.她退后站着,冷冷地看着他。Chess has long been regarded as a measure of intellect.国际象棋很早就被认为是评定智力水平的一种标准。Their family was certainly well regarded at court.他们家族在宫廷中无疑颇受敬重。Such actions were regarded as commonplace during the war.这样的行为被认为是战争期间常有的事。Media studies is regarded as a more exciting subject, if only because it's new.仅仅因为大众传播学是门新兴学科,它就被认为更刺激。He is well-regarded even outside of the company.他甚至在公司以外也备受尊敬。His committed friends now regarded him with contempt.他那些有坚定信仰的朋友现在都鄙视他了。He regarded drug dealers with loathing.他对贩毒分子深恶痛绝。Miracles are not generally regarded as magical. Nevertheless, they do partake of the same nature.奇迹一般不会被认为是魔法使然,不过二者在本质上有点相似。Employment decisions have long been regarded as a management prerogative.长期以来人员聘用决策一直被视为管理部门的特权。He is regarded as an arbiter of taste in the world of jazz.他在爵士乐圈子被视为权威人士。Breast cancer used to be regarded as a death sentence.乳腺癌过去被看成不治之症。A career woman is still regarded by some as something of an oddity.现在仍然有人把职业女性看作怪人一般。Wearing a hat is now regarded as rather old-fashioned.现在戴帽子被认为相当过时。He was regarded as a miracle worker, the man who took risks and could not lose.他被视为一个创造奇迹的人,甘冒风险却不会失败。Bank interest is regarded as unearned income.银行利息被视为非劳动所得收入。Nuclear developments have given a new significance to minerals which were but poorly regarded.原子能的发展给予过去不大受重视的矿物以新的含义。The other children regarded him as an intruder.其他孩子把他当成不受欢迎的外人。These firms are regarded as the engine room of the British economy.这些公司被认为是英国经济至关重要的组成部分。Sam Mendes is highly regarded, not just in the UK.萨姆·门德斯备受尊敬,不只限于英国。It's a sad indictment of society that policemen are regarded as easy targets by thugs.警察很容易就成了暴徒下手袭击的对象,这是一个社会的悲哀。He regarded the move as politically naive.他认为这一举措在政治上很幼稚。He is widely regarded as Hungary's most skilful politician.他是公认的匈牙利最有手腕的政治家。Many employees regarded Human Resources staff as little more than management lackeys.许多雇员都认为人力资源部的人不过是管理层的走卒。The Australians were widely regarded as fine fighters.大家普遍认为澳大利亚人很擅长打斗。The tradition is regarded as sacrosanct.这个传统被认为是神圣不容置疑的。She regarded poverty as a fate worse than death. 她把贫穷看作是比死亡还要悲惨的命运。She wanted to be regarded as more than just a sex object.她希望得到认真对待,而不是仅仅作为性交对象。She regarded herself as a teacher first and last, not a writer.她认为自己主要是个教师,而不是作家。People regarded the claims skeptically.人们对这些断言持怀疑态度。He is regarded as one of Congress's most outspoken critics of television violence.他被视为国会中对电视暴力最直言不讳的批评者之一。The trial was regarded as the greatest injustice of the post-war criminal justice system.那次审判被认为是战后刑事司法体系中最不公正的一次。The King's mercy towards the rebels was regarded as a sign of weakness.国王对叛军的宽容被视为软弱的象征。The country was regarded as a US puppet.这个国家被视为美国的傀儡。 |