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词汇 bass
例句 Those low notes are played by the double bass.那些低音是由低音提琴演奏的。Guests dined on sea bass and saffron potato mousseline.客人正餐吃的是海鲈和藏红花马铃薯荷兰调味汁。Chris is on drums and Mike's on bass guitar.克里斯打鼓,迈克弹低音电吉他。The bass guitar began to thump so loudly that it resonated in my head.低音电吉他开始砰砰作响,巨大的声音一直在我的脑海里回响。Both records have a good throbbing bass which is great to dance to.两张唱片都有极富节奏感的低音,很适合跳舞。She caught three bass.她钓了三条鲈鱼。He has a fine bass voice.他的声音低沉悦耳。The bass is the counterpart to the treble.低音部是高音部的对应声部。The drums and double bass usually form the rhythm section of a jazz group.爵士乐队里的节奏乐器组通常由鼓和低音提琴组成。Larger models give more bass.较大的型号可以发出更沉的低音。You need to play the bass notes slightly louder.这几个低音你要稍微弹响一些。My father had a fine bass voice.我父亲唱男低音很棒。The guitarist riffed over the bass line.吉他手重复演奏低音谱段。The song has a loud/heavy/booming bass.这首歌曲有着响亮/厚重/低沉有力的低音。Greg's bass guitar was out of tune.格雷格的低音吉他走调了。You could hear the bass thumping right down the street.你能听到街道上传来弹奏贝司的砰砰声。He's a bass.他是一位男低音歌手。Hanks is on bass guitar, with Nelson on drums.汉克斯弹低音吉他,纳尔逊敲鼓。He stamped down hard on the bass pedal, pounding out a steady chugging rhythm.他使劲踩下低音踏板,用力弹奏出一阵轧轧突的节奏。We had bass for dinner.我们晚餐吃了鲈鱼。The bass guitar tends to play lower than the rest of the band.低音吉他弹奏出的声音往往比乐队其他乐器弹奏的声音低。He has a rich bass voice.他有一副深沉的男低音歌喉。He sings bass in the church choir.他在教堂唱诗班唱男低音。He sang popular songs for us in his deep bass voice.他用深沉的低音给我们唱流行歌曲。The band had a bass, piano and percussion.这个乐队拥有一台低音吉他、一架钢琴和敲击乐器。The guitar and bass are played in counterpoint.吉他与低音提琴合奏。Dad brought back his prize catch, a three-foot striped bass.老爸带回了他超棒的捕获物,一条三英尺长的条纹鲈鱼。Kurt had started out playing bass in a rock band.库尔特起初在一个摇滚乐队弹低音吉他。They unloaded their catch of cod and bass.他们把捕到的鳕鱼和鲈鱼卸下来。If you like dancing to drum and bass, come to the Coven on Saturday night.如果你跳舞喜欢有鼓和低音吉他伴奏,周六晚上到科文舞厅来。He sings with/in a deep bass.他以低沉的男低音歌唱。He always plays his stereo with the bass turned right up.他放立体声音响时总是把低音调得很大。She was backed by acoustic guitar, bass and congas.原声吉他、贝斯和康茄鼓为她伴奏。The opera star is a fine bass.这位歌剧明星是优秀的男低音歌手。The songs were arranged by another well-known bass player, Ron Carter.另一位著名的低音提琴演奏家罗恩·卡特改编了这些歌曲。Turn down the treble on the radio and turn up the bass.把收音机的高音调低,低音调高。He got me a bass dirt cheap.他给我买了一把低音提琴,非常便宜。A bassoon played the bass line.低音管演奏低音部。Jim was asked to sing the bass solos.吉姆被要求唱低音独唱部分。The band consists of guitar, bass, drum, and keyboards.乐队由吉他、低音吉他、鼓和键盘乐器组成。




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