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词汇 撞上
例句 Flying into the airport at Lima, we narrowly avoided a collision with another plane.飞进利马机场时,我们差一点就撞上了另一架飞机。One of the boys tripped over and crashed into a tree.其中一个男孩绊了一跤,撞上一棵树。He missed hitting the car in front by that much.他差这么点就撞上前面的车了。The car crossed the road and hit a truck head-on.汽车横穿马路迎头撞上了一辆卡车。The runaway car crashed into a bench.那辆失控的车撞上了一条长椅。A taxi almost hit him as he was crossing the street.他过马路时差点儿被一辆出租车撞上The driver of a Ford van lost control and hit another car head-on.一辆福特小型货车的司机失去控制,迎头撞上了另外一辆汽车。The asteroid crashed into the planet with explosive force.小行星以极其巨大的冲力撞上了大行星。As he crossed the street, a bus just missed hitting him.他过马路时,一辆巴士差一点撞上他。The bus crashed into a stationary vehicle.公共汽车撞上了一辆停着的车。He has crashed two cars, a truck, and a motorcycle.撞上了两辆轿车、一辆卡车和一辆摩托车。The ferry hit us amidships.渡船拦腰撞上了我们的船。I had a collision with a bus.撞上了一辆公共汽车。The boat seemed to bump against some solid object.船似乎撞上了某个坚实的物体。They rammed into my car from behind.他们从后面猛地撞上了我的车。My car ran bump into the wall.我的汽车猛然撞上墙壁。Her bicycle hit a bump in the road and threw her off.自行车撞上了路上的一个鼓包,她摔了下来。He hit a rock and snapped the truck's axle.他驾货车撞上一块石头,车轴啪的一声折断了。The truck rammed into a tree.卡车撞上了一棵树。As the car hit the tree he was shot out.汽车撞上树时他被摔出车外。The car swiped the side of the garage as he pulled out.他把车开出去的时候撞上了车库的大门。He ran into a wall.撞上了一堵墙。The racing car hurtled against the metal fence.赛车猛地撞上了金属围栏。The car clashed against the wall.那辆汽车砰地撞上墙壁。The boat struck a rock outside the bay and sank.船在海湾外撞上了一块礁石,沉没了。The car swerved sharply to avoid hitting the deer.汽车突然急转弯,以免撞上那只鹿。He hit the car in front of him because he was tailgating.撞上了前面的车,因为跟得太紧了。The plane slammed into the building.飞机一头撞上了大楼。The truck crashed into a wall and ruptured a fuel tank.卡车撞上墙,撞破了油箱。The lorry veered out of control, overturned, and smashed into a wall.卡车突然失控,翻倒并撞上了一堵墙。The bus bumped into the car in front.巴士撞上了前面那辆汽车。Some idiot carved us up on the way over here - I don't know how he missed us!有个白痴从路这边突然超我们的车——不知怎地居然没撞上我们!He made an abrupt turn to avoid hitting another car.他猛地一个急转弯,以避免撞上另一辆汽车。She hit the last barrier and sprawled across the track.撞上了最后一个跨栏,整个人趴在了跑道上。His car crashed into a clump of trees and overturned.他的汽车撞上树丛,翻倒在地。The boat struck a rock in midstream.那艘小船在河中间撞上一块岩石。I plowed into the car in front.我刹车不及撞上了前面的车。We hit a bump and the car swerved.我们的汽车撞上了一块凸起物,偏离了方向。I was just hit by a wall of water.我刚撞上了一堵水墙。A van drove into their car but luckily it was just a bump.一辆货车撞上了他们的车,所幸只是碰了一下。




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