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词汇 撕成
例句 Her body had been torn apart by wolves.她的尸体被狼群撕成了碎片。Our new kitten has torn the living room curtains to ribbons.我们刚养的小猫把起居室的窗帘撕成了碎片。Break the cauliflower into florets.把花椰菜撕成小朵。A violent wind plucked the sails to bits.一阵狂风把船帆撕成了碎片。He tore the paper in two.他把纸撕成了两半。I ripped up all the letters she'd sent me.我把她寄给我的所有信件都撕成了碎片。I tore the old towel into rags.我把旧毛巾撕成了几条抹布。The dog tore the pillow to pieces/shreds.狗把枕头撕成了碎片。The dog was pulling the newspaper to bits.狗把报纸撕成了碎片。They rent the cloth to shreds.他们把这块布料撕成了碎片。His head was swathed in bandages made from a torn sheet.他头上缠满了用床单撕成的绷带。The dogs tore the fox apart.那些狗把狐狸撕成了碎片。She made a crease in the paper and carefully tore it in two.她在纸上折了一条线,然后小心翼翼地把它撕成了两半。His shirt had been torn to pieces.他的衬衣已经被撕成了碎片。Two of the rioters had shirts torn almost into shreds.暴徒中有两人的衬衣已被撕成碎条。The hyenas fought among themselves, tearing the impala to pieces.鬣狗们你抢我夺,将黑斑羚撕成了碎片。The clothes were ripped to shreds and covered in blood.衣服被撕成了碎片,上面满是血迹。The cats tore/ripped the curtain to shreds. 猫把窗帘撕成了碎条。The bear had clawed the tree trunk to shreds.熊把树干撕成了碎片。




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