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词汇 撕开
例句 She pulled the rolls apart with her hands.她用手撕开了面包卷。He raced into the living room with his package, excitedly pulling at the wrappings.他拿着包裹冲进客厅,兴奋地撕开包装袋。She split her coat up the back.她的上衣后部撕开了。She ripped open the package but found nothing in it but shoes. She was crestfallen.撕开包裹发现里面除了一双鞋外没有别的东西。这令她深感沮丧。Beth excitedly ripped open the package.贝丝兴奋地把包裹撕开A telegram just came for me. I ripped it open.一封给我的电报刚到。我一把撕开封口。I tore open the package.撕开了那个包裹。I tore open the box, only to discover that some of the parts were missing.撕开盒子,却发现有些零件不见了。He undid the ribbons and tore at the paper wrapping.他解开缎带并撕开包装纸。He ripped open the package.撕开了包装。Torn Christmas wrapping littered the floor.撕开的圣诞礼物包装纸乱丢在地上。The Inspector opened the packet of cigarettes.检查员撕开了那包香烟。The perforations help you tear the paper neatly and easily.齿孔有助于轻松整齐地把纸撕开Jodie ripped the letter open.乔迪把信撕开I couldn't open the box nicely, so I just tore it apart.我无法完好地打开盒子,所以只能把它撕开Peel this label back to see if you have won a prize.撕开这张标签看看你有没有中奖。He tore the letter open.撕开了信。He tore the package open.撕开了包裹。Her brother snatched the letter and tore it open.她的哥哥一把夺过那封信,把它撕开She reflected no longer than a second before she decisively slit the envelope.她稍想了一下,就果断地撕开了信封。He tore apart the two tickets and handed one to me.他把两张票撕开,递给了我一张。Bates sliced into Liverpool's defence.贝茨撕开了利物浦队的防线。She tore off the cellophane, pulled out a cigarette, and lit it.撕开玻璃纸,抽出一支香烟点上。Once you've broken the seal of a bottle there's no way you can put it back together again.一旦你撕开瓶子的密封条,你就无法再把它复原。Try to rip it apart as rapidly as possible.动作尽可能快地把它撕开She tore the letter open in a frenzy.她发狂似的撕开信。He tore open the creamy envelope that had been enclosed in the letter.撕开了随信寄来的奶油色信封。She tore the letter open.撕开了信。The rolls pull apart easily.面包卷很容易撕开




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