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例句 We deal with each case on an individual basis.我们单独处理每个病例。Promotion is done strictly on the basis of seniority.晋升严格以资历为基础进行。The rumours have a basis in fact.传言有事实根据。The only thing we can do is to negotiate on a case by case basis.我们唯一能做的就是视具体情况进行谈判。I'm using the product on a trial basis. 我正在试用这款产品。It's a violent city, with murders occurring on a regular basis.这是个暴力泛滥的城市,经常发生谋杀案。The Rutland Arms was full on a nightly basis.拉特兰阿姆斯旅馆每晚都客满。He visits his grandmother on a regular basis. 他定期看望祖母。The very basis of Indian politics has been transformed.甚至于印度的政治基础都被改变了。We do not try to fine-tune the economy on the basis of short-term predictions.我们不会根据短期预测就试图对经济进行微调。Though the theoretical basis for many of their conclusions was shaky, the take-home lesson was obvious.虽然他们许多结论的理论基础靠不住,但是实得的教益是显而易见的。I accept offers of work on an ad hoc basis.我接受临时提供的工作。The group meets on a regular basis, usually weekly or biweekly.这群人定期会面,通常是每周或每两周一次。He'd been working at the local hostel on a voluntary basis.他曾在当地的旅馆当过义工。Our decisions are made on the basis of the available information. 我们是根据手头上的信息做出的判断。The chemicals had poisoned his land and destroyed the very basis of his livelihood.这些化学品污染了他的农田,毁掉了他赖以生存的基础。The development programme was established on a short-term basis, just over a year ago.这项发展计划的设立是短期性的,一年前才刚定下来。Most members work on a voluntary basis.大部分成员是自愿工作。These stories have very little basis in fact/reality. 这些故事没有什么现实基础。Another option would be to drip-feed your mortgage with small extra payments on a regular basis.另一种选择是用小笔的额外款项定期偿还抵押贷款。The novels are delivered to outlets on a sale or return basis.这些小说发给各经销门店,余货包退。We submit our invoices on a monthly basis.我们每月提交一次发货清单。The University Library is organized on a subject basis.大学图书馆是以学科为基础进行分类的。There's no scientific basis to the method-it works by suggestion.这种方法没有什么科学依据,它是通过暗示起作用的。The paintings are changed on a regular basis.这些画定期更换。Expert advice and support are the basis for the rehabilitation programme.专家的意见与支持是这个康复计划的基础。The new system will be introduced on a trial basis.这个新系统将被引入试用。Any action on the basis of such fragmentary evidence would be foolish.任何基于这种支离破碎的证据而采取的行动都是愚蠢的。The author notes the similarity between Western and Chinese principles and sees them as having a common basis in science.作者注意到了中西方原理的相似之处,认为它们是具有共同的科学基础的。Most writers use personal experience as the basis for their novels.多数作家利用亲身经历作为小说的基础。Card providers charge retailers fees on a percentage basis.发卡机构按百分比向零售商收取费用。The basis of his argument was that people who sell drugs should be jailed for life.他的论点的基础就是贩卖毒品者应被判处终身监禁。The Council meets on an ad hoc basis to discuss problems.议会临时安排会议讨论问题。The combination of soaring vision and a detailed ground plan has provided the basis for all social policy discussion ever since.高瞻远见与周密大纲相结合,为此后一切社会政策的讨论提供了基础。The belief has no scriptural basis.这一信条并无圣经根据。All hospital beds should be allocated on the basis of need.所有医院床位都应该按需分配。She was effectively challenging the whole basis on which society was run.她对社会运转的整个基础提出了有力的质疑。Sugar has always been the basis of the Cuban economy.糖一直是古巴经济的支柱。The work is strictly on a volunteer basis.这工作仅限于在自愿的基础上进行。More than half the children of divorce did not see the non-custodial parent on a regular basis.超出半数的离婚家庭的孩子没有定期与无监护权的家长见面。




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