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词汇 real estate
例句 It is usual to prorate the taxes between the seller and the buyer in the sale of real estate.在出售房地产中,通常由买卖双方分摊税金。Hire someone with experience, someone who knows about real estate.雇一个有经验、了解房地产业的人。The movie is about a sales force ordered to huckster worthless wetlands real estate.这场电影讲述的是销售人员受命去连蒙带骗地推销无任何价值的沼泽地房产。They have mostly invested their money in expensive real estate.他们已把钱主要投资到昂贵的房地产业了。They bought real estate in the expectation of a rise in prices.他们购进了房地产期望升值。He is a real estate agent.他是一个房地产经纪人。He invested all his money in real estate.他把钱全部投资房地产。She made her/a fortune in real estate.她搞房地产赚了一大笔钱。He made a mint in real estate.他搞房地产赚了一大笔钱。But getting back to what the real estate agent said, do you think we could get more for the house if we had it painted first?现在回到房产经纪人说的话,你说我们要是先把房子粉刷一下,价钱就能卖得更高吗?She prospered as a real estate agent.她做房地产经纪人发迹了。He made it big in real estate.他干房地产很成功。I called the real estate agent. The contract's been sewn up, and we can move into the apartment next week.我给房产经纪人打过电话了,合同已经订好,我们下星期就可以搬进公寓住了。We're going to buy a piece of real estate.我们要买一处房产。We moved to a small town where my mother taught school and my father worked in real estate.我们搬去了一个小镇,妈妈在学校教书,爸爸在一家地产公司工作。The company owns millions of dollars’ worth of real estate in downtown Tokyo.该公司在东京市区拥有价值数百万美元的不动产。By investing in real estate, he was one of the richest men in the United States.通过投资房地产,他成为美国最富有的人之一。Vincent French is a real estate broker at the sharp end of a tough and exacting business.文森特·弗伦奇在房地产这个艰难行业做了最吃苦受累的不动产经纪人。Japanese corporations have been turning away from production and have diverted into finance and real estate.日本公司已经由生产型企业转而从事金融和房地产业。If you put all your money in this real estate deal, I guarantee you'll live to regret it.你如果把所有的钱都投进这笔房地产交易,我敢肯定你以后会后悔的。Roger makes a fortune buying and selling real estate.罗杰买卖房地产挣了很多钱。They were advised by the real estate agent that their house would not be saleable.房地产经纪人说他们的房子不能出售。He was making a living from his real estate investments.他靠房地产投资的收益维生。He had the foresight to invest his money in real estate.他深谋远虑,投资于房地产。The government levies taxes on real estate and personal property.政府征收不动产和动产税。She works in real estate.她做房地产生意。He made a lot of money in real estate and was able to live very well after his retirement.他在房地产上赚了一大笔钱,退休后能过富足的生活。The family was driven out of the neighborhood by rising real estate prices.由于房地产价格不断上涨,这家人被迫离开了这个街区。He sells real estate.他销售房地产。He'll look for bargains after the real estate market shakes out.等到房地产市场稳定下来之后,他要去找找便宜的房子。They are partners in the real estate business.他们是这家房地产企业的合伙人。The real estate agent showed them house after house, but they couldn't find one they liked.房地产经纪人带他们看了一处又一处的房子,可他们就是找不到自己喜欢的。He reported some fluctuation in/of real estate values.他报道了房地产价格波动的行情。Expect the real estate market to downshift in the next few months. 预计在接下来的几个月内房地产市场的发展将趋于缓慢。The real estate business is thriving.房地产生意兴隆。He had a long career in real estate.他曾长期从事房地产业。It was his custom in buying real estate to offer a rather low price.他在购买地产时习惯把价格压得很低。The city's low-income residents have been squeezed out by rising real estate prices.城市里的低收入者已经被上涨的房价逼走了。He made a considerable sum of money in real estate.他做房地产生意赚了大笔钱。He made a fortune by investing in real estate.他投资房地产赚了一大笔钱。




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