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例句 Her restlessness was put down to excitement, and nobody realised she was seriously ill.人们以为她那样焦躁不安是由于情绪激动,却没有人意识到她病得很重。She thought at first it must be the edge of the sea, then realised it was a mirage.起初她以为是到了大海的边际,后来才明白那是海市蜃楼。Researchers realised that a tunable laser beam might be useful in surgery.研究人员意识到,可调谐激光束也许可以用在外科手术中。The institutions have realised they need to change their culture to improve efficiency and service.这些机构已经意识到需要改变他们的内部文化以提高效率、改进服务。To my horror, I realised my shirt was wet with blood.发现自己的衬衫被鲜血沾湿,我大为惊恐。I suddenly realised that I was being made a fool of.我突然明白过来,我被人耍了。He realised that their money was useless in this country.他意识到他们国家的货币在这个国家一文不值。I suddenly realised that my precious son was a full-grown man, quite independent of his father and me.我突然意识到我的宝贝儿子已是个完全成熟的人,不再依赖他父亲和我了。He realised that it was improper for a police officer to accept gifts.他意识到作为警察收受礼物是不合法的。I soon realised that he had completely missed the point.不久我就意识到他完全领会错了。The firm realised some sort of fiddle was going on, but they had no idea how much they were losing.公司意识到有人在做手脚,但他们不清楚损失了多少。Jan realised later that her behaviour had been very foolish.简后来才意识到她的行为非常愚蠢。At first I was a bit starstruck but then I realised they were just doing their job, same as me.起初我有点崇拜明星,但后来我意识到他们只不过和我一样在做自己的本职工作。He apologised as soon as he realised what he had done. In actual fact he wrote a nice little note to me.意识到自己的所作所为后他马上就道歉了,而且还给我写了一张温馨的小条儿。I realised what he meant.我明白了他的意思。He realised his future lay elsewhere.他意识到他的未来不在这里。He realised what a swine he had been.他意识到了自己是一个多么卑鄙的人。I think probably that the laser has not realised the potential that was expected of it in that domain.我想可能激光在那个领域并没有充分发挥其潜力。They realised that some of their prices were higher than their competitors', and revised prices accordingly.他们发现自己的一些价格高于竞争对手,于是做出了相应的调整。I realised I had a big problem. I wanted to be all things to all people.我意识到我有个大毛病,我总想不得罪任何人。I only realised later that the clear liquid in the glass must have been vodka.我后来才明白,玻璃杯里的透明液体一定是伏特加酒了。I realised that I must have imagined the whole thing.我意识到大概整件事都是我臆想出来的。I got an awful fright when I realised how much money I owed.知道自己欠了那么多钱,我吓了一大跳。When police realised who he was, they asked for an autograph and let him off with a warning.警察知道他是谁后,便向他要了签名,然后只给了他个警告就放他走了。Once they realised their mistake the phone was reconnected again.他们一意识到他们的错误,电话就重新接通了。I hadn't realised that things had got this bad.我没有意识到事情变得这么糟糕。I had no hesitation in calling the police because I realised he was capable of murder.我意识到他可能要杀人,所以就毫不犹豫地报了警。Anna realised she had been mistaken about Dennis.安娜意识到她误解丹尼斯了。I realised how unfit I was when I tried to run up the stairs.我想跑上楼梯时意识到自己的身体是多么的虚弱。The kaleidoscopic quality of the book is brilliantly realised on stage.该书包罗万象、精彩纷呈的特质在舞台上得到了精彩再现。Those are our hopes; we are starting this clinical trial to investigate whether those hopes will be realised.那些就是我们的希望;我们正在开展这些临床试验以调查那些希望是否可以实现。Straightaway our worst fears were realised.我们最恐惧的事情一下发生了。Scientists in Switzerland realised that most other researchers had been barking up the wrong tree.瑞士的科学家们意识到,其他研究者大多搞错了研究方向。She woke up and realised that there was someone moving around downstairs.她醒了,意识到楼下有人在到处走动。After a while, I realised he was serious.过了一会儿,我发现他是认真的。Mia realised her trick had rebounded on her.米娅意识到她的把戏反而害了自己。When I realised what a stupid mistake I had made, I felt like a fool.当我发现我犯了个多蠢的错误时,我觉得自己真是个大笨蛋。It was then that she realised, with blinding clarity, that she loved him.那个时候她才猛然醒悟,她是爱他的。It was not long before I realised the enormity of my faux pas.没过多久,我就意识到自己有多么失态。Her wish to become a movie star was finally realised.她当电影明星的愿望终于实现了。




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