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例句 I decided to continue acting ignorant, just to make fun of her.我决定继续假装不知情,只是为了逗她玩玩。She plans to continue working beyond the usual retirement age.她计划到了正常退休年龄后还继续工作。If you two don't talk out the differences between you, it'll be hardtalk for you to continue working together.你俩如果不好好谈谈消除分歧,将很难继续合作下去。He plans to continue his excavation work.他计划继续自己的挖掘工作。The students voted to continue the strike.学生们投票赞成继续罢课。The High Court has granted permission for the demolition work to continue.高等法院批准拆除工作继续进行。Trying to continue with a demanding career and manage a child or two is an impossible juggling act.一边要做一份费神费力的工作一边又要照顾一两个孩子,这根本无法同时兼顾。The program is unlikely to continue beyond next year. 这个节目明年很可能不会继续做下去了。The situation was allowed to continue without a squeak of protest from the government.政府没有作出任何抗议的表示,这一事态得以持续下去。We have to continue to try to learn more about this.我们必须继续努力以了解更多有关这件事的情况。He had planned to retire but he had a sudden change of heart and decided to continue working.他原本打算退休,但突然改变了主意,决定继续工作。She intends to continue her crusade against sex and violence on TV.她决心继续开展反对电视上的性和暴力镜头的运动。She urged the international community to continue to put pressure on the government.她号召国际社会继续对该政府施加压力。We could not allow that state of affairs to continue.我们不能允许这种情况持续下去。She recomposed herself to continue her work.她使自己镇静下来继续工作。The Cinderella story looks set to continue.这个灰姑娘般的成功故事看上去还会继续。He seemed strangely uncertain as to how to continue.很奇怪,他好像不知道该如何继续下去。It is worthless to continue searching.继续寻找没有意义了。Pending the hearing of the case by the court, the business will be allowed to continue operating.在此案审结之前,公司获准继续进行交易。Under the terms of the will, Mallory could only inherit the family home if he agreed to continue living there.根据遗嘱规定,马洛里只有答应继续住在家里,才能继承家宅。This issue looks likely to continue to vex the government.这件事看来会继续使政府恼火。I hope to continue in my present job.我希望能继续我现在的工作。After a while the rain stopped, allowing the game to continue.过了一会儿雨停了,比赛得以继续。In the meantime the war of nerves seems likely to continue.与此同时,心理战似乎还可能继续。She kept silent, forcing Buchanan to continue.她保持沉默,逼着布坎南继续下去。The pound is expected to continue to increase against most other currencies.英镑对大多数其他货币的汇率有望继续升高。He leant against the wall, fighting for strength to continue.他倚靠在墙上,拼尽力气继续下去。They promised to continue the struggle against racism.他们承诺要继续与种族主义作斗争。We plan to continue our expansion programme.我们打算继续推行我们的扩展计划。The situation is likely to continue for the foreseeable future.这种局面在可预见的将来可能还会持续下去。It was futile to continue the negotiations.继续谈判下去也是枉然。They are determined to continue working when they reach retirement age.他们决定到了退休年龄后继续工作。We could try to continue, but it's more practical to start over.我们可以尝试继续下去,但更加切实的做法是从头再来。For the foreseeable future, we need to continue our research.对可预见的将来而言,我们需要继续进行研究。These problems have been occurring for many years, as everyone acknowledges. And of course they are going to continue unless something is done.大家都承认这些问题已经出现很多年了。当然了,如果不采取任何举措的话,问题还会继续存在。Thanks to a large gift from an anonymous donor, the charity was able to continue its work.多亏得到了一位匿名人士的大笔捐助,该慈善机构才得以继续运转。Exercise creates its own virtuous circle. Once you start a programme and do it regularly, you'll feel so good you'll want to continue.锻炼身体能够形成一种良性循环。一旦你开始一项锻炼计划并持之以恒,你会感觉良好并坚持下去。Nightly bombardment of the city looks set to continue.对这座城市的夜间轰炸看来还要持续下去。Sarah wants to continue her studies.萨拉想继续自己的学业。This enables the healing process to continue uninterrupted.这样能让愈合过程不受阻断地进行下去。




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