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Alex has always been a bit of a rebel.亚列克斯向来有点叛逆。After the rebel leaders were captured or killed, the trouble subsided.叛乱领袖被抓的抓,杀的杀,之后,骚乱平息了下来。The government denies that any of its territory is under rebel control.政府否认有领土被反叛分子所控制。The river is the last barrier between the rebel army and the city.这条河是阻挡叛军进入城市的最后一道屏障。Mr Cohen held discussions at the embassy with one of the rebel leaders.科恩先生在大使馆和其中一个叛军头目进行了磋商。Government troops have finally overcome rebel forces in the north.政府军最终制服了北部的反叛武装。Tanks and bulldozers encroached on rebel-controlled territory early this morning.今天一大早,坦克和推土机占领了叛军控制的地区。The capital is still under constant aerial bombardment by the rebel forces.首都仍然在遭受叛军的不断空袭。By the time the rebel troops arrived, the village had already been abandoned.当叛军杀到时,村民们已经撤离了村子。UN officials mediated between the rebel fighters and the government.联合国官员在叛军和政府之间进行了调解。Army bases were shelled overnight by rebel forces.军队基地昨夜遭叛军炮轰。The rebel faced capture and possible execution.这名反叛者将被逮捕且可能被判死刑。After their latest setback, the rebel forces no longer hold the initiative.经过上次的失败后,叛军不再掌握主动权了。Children always rebel against their parents and teachers.孩子总是同父母和老师对着干。They are in twice daily radio contact with the rebel leader.他们每天用无线电和叛军首领联系两次。While the government was preoccupied with the troubles on the border, rebel leaders stepped up their operations.当政府的全部精力都用于应对边境问题时,叛乱首领们加紧了他们的活动。He was captured by rebel forces and kept as their prisoner for several months before they set him free.他被叛军抓获成为了战俘,几个月后才被释放。The rebel forces took power after a three-month civil war.经过三个月的内战,叛军夺取了政权。The Wednesday deadline passed without any communication from the rebel leader.星期三的最后期限已经过了,叛乱分子的头目尚未出面联络。I don't want to be branded as a rebel.我不想被加上反叛分子的污名。The ceasefire itself could prove stillborn if rebel units in the bush keep on fighting.如果丛林地带的叛军继续开火,那停火协议本身就可能起不到任何作用。The city was stormed by rebel forces.这座城市被叛军攻占了。He was a rebel when he was a teenager and dyed his hair pink.他十几岁的时候有些叛逆,把头发染成了粉红色。During my political life I've earned myself a reputation as someone who'll stick his neck out, a bit of a rebel.我在政治生涯中敢冒风险、有点叛逆是小有名气的。She fell into the clutches of the rebel forces.她落入了叛军的手中。Every rebel raid is another turn of the screw.叛军每次发动袭击就是又向前逼进一步。Well-organized rebel forces have succeeded in recapturing the town.严整有序的叛军成功地夺回小镇。The government has announced an immediate amnesty for rebel fighters.政府已对叛乱士兵宣布了即刻生效的赦免期限。He doesn't view himself as a rebel. 他没把自己看成反叛者。The rebel army now controls nearly half the country.叛军现在几乎控制了半壁江山。Government and rebel soldiers are evenly matched.政府军队与叛军的力量相当。When the rebel army invaded the city, there was mayhem everywhere.当反抗军进城时,到处是一片骚乱。The massacre was committed by the rebel army.叛军犯下了大屠杀的罪行。Encouraged by their success, the rebel forces advanced with newfound confidence.叛军因那次成功士气大增,建立起新的信心继续推进。Tamar Golan, a Paris-based journalist, profiles the rebel leader.驻巴黎记者塔玛·戈兰对反叛者的首领进行了介绍。The main rebel groups have agreed to join in a meeting to set up a transitional government.主要叛乱集团已同意参加会议讨论建立一个过渡政府。They are in daily radio contact with the rebel leader.他们每天通过无线电与叛军首领保持着联系。Government troops have succeeded in capturing the rebel leader.政府军已经捕获了叛乱分子的头目。A rebel group attempted to seize power.叛乱集团企图夺权。Aerial bombing of rebel positions is continuing.对叛军阵地的空中轰炸正在继续。 |