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词汇 受够了
例句 I've just about had enough of your stupid remarks.你的蠢话我已经快要受够了Beat it, you two. I've had enough of you for one day.你们两个快走开,我一天就受够了你们。I got fed up with having to wear my sister's hand-me-downs.我早就受够了穿姐姐的旧衣服。I get fed up with other people's greed.受够了别人的贪婪。He was sick of being the butt of their jokes.他已经受够了被他们当作笑柄。I'm tired of hauling this heavy camera around with me.受够了到哪儿都得扛着这个沉甸甸的相机。I'm fed up with hearing you moaning the whole time!听你一天到晚发牢骚我都受够了He gets fed up with people pestering him for money.人们一直缠着他要钱,他真是受够了I've had enough of your sarcastic comments.受够了你那些讽刺和挖苦的评论。I was tired of listening to their prattle.受够了听他们的闲扯。I'm suffering from advertising overload. 受够了铺天盖地的广告。I've had enough of your constant nit-picking. Why can't you say something encouraging?我对你老是吹毛求疵受够了。为什么你就不能说些鼓励的话?I've had enough - I'm going home.受够了——我要回家了。Why don't you put a cork in it! I am sick of your whining!你给我闭嘴!我受够了你的抱怨!Listen, lamebrain, we've had enough of your idiotic suggestions!听着,笨蛋,我们受够了你那些白痴建议!I'm sick and tired of your precious brother.对你的宝贝兄弟我真是受够了I had had enough of them heaping all the blame on me.受够了他们把所有的责任都归在我头上。I've had enough of their continual arguing.受够了他们没完没了的争吵。She has had it with her lazy, unambitious husband.她真是受够了她那又懒又胸无大志的丈夫。I'm fed up with having my work picked to pieces.我的作品被贬得一无是处,我受够了I've been slaving away all week and I've had enough of it!我已经苦干了整整一星期,都受够了I'm tired of getting dumped on every time I make a little mistake.每次犯点小错就被斥责,我受够了I am fed up with these crocodile tears over immigrants.我已经受够了这些对移民的假慈悲。I've had it. I'm taking the kids and going to Mom's.受够了,我要带着孩子们回妈妈家去。I'm fed up with being put upon by my boss all the time.老是被老板利用,我受够了He was sufficiently bothered by the noise to complain to the manager.受够了喧哗声,只得向经理投诉。The team got fed up and ten of them left the field.队员们受够了,有十名队员退出了比赛。I've had enough of people taking advantage of me. From now on it's no more Mr Nice Guy.受够了老被人利用。从现在起我不再做好好先生了。I've been working like a fool, but now I've had it.我一直像个傻瓜似地干着,我可受够了I'm through with women.我对女人已经受够了That's it. I've had it. I won't pay these kinds of fees any more.就这样了。我受够了,再也不付这种费用了。I'm fed up with all these delays.受够了所有这些延误了。I'm sick of your having hysterics, okay?.受够了你的歇斯底里,知道吗?I don't know about you, but I've had just about enough of this.我不知道你怎么想,但我已经受够了I really think I've had enough for the day.我感到今天这一天实在受够了He was tired of her cross-grained ways.他对她任性的行为实在受够了I've had enough of them stinking the place out with their cigarette smoke.他们抽烟弄得满屋都是烟味,我真是受够了We were tired of sitting around waiting for something to happen.我们受够了只能干坐着等待某事发生。I'm tired of pretending life is just dandy when it's not.我对强作欢颜,假装一切都很好实在是受够了I'm tired of picking up after the children.受够了跟在孩子们后面收拾东西。




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