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词汇 受命
例句 The jury was directed to disregard everything Robinson had said.陪审团受命对鲁滨逊所说的话不予考虑。His mandate was to find the best available investment.受命找到可望获利最多的投资。She is an ordained minister.她是位受命牧师。The commission is charged with investigating war crimes.该委员会受命调查战争罪行。Troops were stood to before dawn.部队在破晓前受命作好了戒备。The guards were ordered to shoot on sight anyone who tried to escape. 卫兵受命一旦发现有人试图逃走,立刻开枪。He was put in command of the navy.受命掌管海军。The negotiators have been instructed to dig in their heels on the last two major issues.谈判代表受命在最后两大问题上采取寸步不让的坚定立场。Pearson was appointed to go in Harrison's stead.皮尔逊受命接替哈里森的工作。The soldiers were ordered to keep down. 士兵们受命蹲伏。After his ordination, he will be assigned to a local parish.受命为牧师后,他将被派往地方教区。The committee was asked to investigate the complaint and report back to the assembly.委员会受命对投诉进行调查,并向议会呈交报告。The troops were ordered back to base.部队受命返回基地。A young officer was ordered to survey a populated area near Jerusalem.一位年轻的军官受命对耶路撒冷附近的居住区进行调查。Ms Campbell has been appointed to root out inefficiency in this company.坎贝尔女士已经受命来调查并解决这家公司效率低下的问题。A courier was despatched with two sealed envelopes.信使受命递送两封封讫的信。When the new manager was appointed, he lost no time in reorganizing the office.新经理受命上任后立即就着手重组办公室。A special prosecutor was appointed to investigate charges of corruption.一名专门的检察官受命去调查有关贪污的指控。How much longer does the independent prosecutor have a mandate to pursue this investigation?.独立检察官受命调查这件事还要多长时间?I was charged to take the message to headquarters.受命将消息送到总部。British troops were pushed mindlessly forward.英军盲目地受命向前推进。He was given command of the regiment.受命指挥这个团。Police were told to clear the streets of drug dealers before the Olympics.警察受命在奥运会前清除街上的毒贩。The sailors were ordered to man their battle stations.水手们受命守卫各自岗位。I was told to stay here.受命待在这儿。Judge Stacks was appointed to oversee the disposition of funds.斯塔克斯法官受命对资金的分配进行监督。The garrison was called out when news of the enemy's advance was received.收到敌人推进的情报后,卫戍部队受命出动。The soldiers were ordered to remain at their posts.士兵们受命坚守岗位。Anyone appointed to this position should be held to the highest ethical standards.任何受命担任此职务的人都必须按照最高的道德标准行事。Community leaders in the area are widely regarded as police stooges.该地区的社区领袖被普遍认为是受命于警方的人。The army has been ordered to retreat.军队已受命撤退。The movie is about a sales force ordered to huckster worthless wetlands real estate.这场电影讲述的是销售人员受命去连蒙带骗地推销无任何价值的沼泽地房产。




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