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词汇 basement
例句 There isn't much headroom in the basement. 地下室的净空比较小。The cabbages were stored in the basement.包心菜储藏在地下室里。Her books became moldy after being left in a damp basement.她的书放到阴湿的地下室后发霉了。The storage area was partitioned off from the rest of the basement.储藏区是从地下室隔出来的。A woman kept prisoner in a basement was rescued after suspicious neighbours tipped off police.觉得情况可疑的邻居们报警后,被囚禁在地下室里的一名女子获了救。The dampness in the basement damaged his books.地下室的潮湿将他的书损坏了。An offensive odor was coming from the basement.地下室传来一股难闻的气味。We use the basement for storage.我们把地下室作储藏之用。The department-store executive has been demoted to selling notions in the basement.百货公司的经理已被降职到地下室里去卖小百货。Check for seepage in the basement.检查一下地下室的渗漏情况。The shop sells books at bargain-basement prices.这家商店低价售书。We will order some laths for furnishing the basement.我们将订购一些木板条来装修地下室。Let's go to the basement and wait out the storm there.让我们到地下室等暴风雨过去吧。Her father caught her smoking in the basement.她父亲当场发现她在地下室里吸烟。We heard the twang of an electric guitar coming from the basement.我们听到了从地下室传来的弹奏电吉他的声音。My kids sat on the basement stairs.我的孩子们坐在地下室楼梯上。I paid a bargain-basement price.我以很低的价格付了款。The basement provided us with a refuge from the fighting.打仗的时候,地下室为我们提供了躲避的地方。This fabric is bargain-basement.这种织物质量低劣。There is a washing machine in the basement of the building.大楼的地下室里有台洗衣机。The house has a finished basement/attic. 这幢房子建有成形的地下室/阁楼。The books from her basement still smelled of damp. 她的地下室拿来的书仍然散发着潮气。He ran the wires up from the basement.他把电线从地下室引了上来。The only sound she heard was the hum of a machine in the basement.她听到的唯一声响就是地下室里机器的嗡嗡声。For several years she operated a dating agency from her basement.有好几年她在她的地下室公寓里经营一个婚姻介绍所。I'm going to clean out the basement and take everything I don't want to the dump.我要清理一下地下室,把不要的东西都扔进垃圾堆。Mailer disappeared into a dark basement, hoping to shake off the gang.梅勒躲进一个黑漆漆的地下室,希望能甩掉那伙人。The door to Helen's basement room was ajar.通往海伦地下室房间的门半开着。We had to pump the basement out.我们得把地下室的水抽出去。Stone steps plunged down to the basement.石头台阶陡然向下倾斜,直通向地下室。Downstairs in the windowless basement, where the real work is done, it is sleazy and sweaty.工作实际上在楼下没有窗户的地下室里完成,又脏又累。We need to get rid of all that shit in the basement.我们得把地下室的垃圾全部清理出去。Our kitchenware department is in the basement.我们的厨房用具部门设在地下室。The wet from the earth has made the basement unlivable.泥土的潮气使得地下室不能住人。They live in a basement flat in North London.他们住在伦敦北部地下室公寓里。They hid a cache of guns in the basement.他们在地下室里藏了一批枪支。The woman had been held prisoner in Larkin's basement for 3 months.那名女子被关押在拉金的地下室里达三个月。The basement and garage will be off-limits during the renovations.重新装修期间,地下室和车库将禁止入内。There were noises coming from the basement.地下室有声音传出。Water collected in the basement.地下室里积了水。




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