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词汇 rapidly
例句 The world is changing rapidly; our plans must change accordingly.世界正发生迅速的变化,我们的计划必须相应地改变。A waiter was rapidly rearranging tables for the big group.一个服务生正在麻利地为这一大帮人重新布置餐桌。A child's intelligence develops rapidly between the ages of four and five.孩子的智力在四到五岁间发展迅速。Plants grow rapidly when exposed to light.植物在阳光下生长迅速。Despite rapidly rising incomes, few in the country are able to afford cable TV.尽管收入增长很快,国内还是很少有人负担得起有线电视。Light silk is best for parachutes, as it compresses well and then expands rapidly.份量很轻的丝绸最适合制成降落伞,它便于压缩,张开时速度又快。Eastern Europe is rapidly becoming a dumping-ground for radioactive residues.东欧迅速成为放射性残渣的倾倒场。With its largely unspoiled natural beauty, Vietnam is rapidly becoming a destination for more and more foreign visitors.越南有很多未被破坏的自然美景,很快就成了越来越多外国游客的目的地。His colleagues rapidly grew annoyed at having to carry him.因为要替他干活儿,他的同事们很快变得气恼起来。Unemployment is rapidly approaching the one million mark.失业人数正迅速逼近百万大关。Competition between the production groups is hotting up rapidly.生产小组之间的竞争很快日趋激烈。The blockade may rapidly inflate to a full-fledged crisis.封锁可能会迅速演变为一场十足的危机。The theatre emptied rapidly after the show ended.演出结束后,剧场很快就走空了。The divers were surrounded by three sharks which were rapidly closing in on them.潜水员周围有三条鲨鱼向他们迅速靠近。From an unlikely background he has risen rapidly through the ranks of government.虽然没有什么背景,但他在政府中的地位仍然迅速提高。Her mood could swing rapidly from gloom to exhilaration.她的情绪可能在转瞬之间就从阴郁转向兴奋。Divers must not ascend too rapidly/quickly to the water's surface.潜水员一定不要过快升浮到水面。With the city developing rapidly, property in the center is becoming more expensive.这个城市发展迅速,市中心的房地产愈来愈贵。Interest in golf has grown rapidly in the last ten years.在过去十年里,人们对高尔夫球的兴趣一下子浓厚起来。Public sentiment rapidly turned anti-American.公众情绪迅速转变,开始反对美国。The young actor is rapidly coming to the front.这位青年演员很快就崭露头角。Their preferred habitat is disappearing rapidly.它们偏爱的栖息地正在迅速消失。The news spread rapidly.消息传得很快。The baggage was being rapidly stowed away for transportation…行李正在迅速装载等待运输。We are living in an era in which technology is developing very rapidly.我们生活在一个科技飞速发展的时代。Pollution is rapidly killing off plant life.污染使植物迅速大量死亡。He advanced rapidly in his job.他在工作中升迁得很快。If a plane window breaks, the cabin will rapidly decompress.如果飞机的弦窗破裂,舱内就会迅速失压。The city is rapidly becoming the de facto centre of the financial world.这座城市正在迅速成为事实上的金融中心。His resources were rapidly wasting.他的财力正在很快消耗。 Anti-globalization protests spread rapidly across the globe.反全球化的抗议迅速在全球蔓延开来。Even a slight increase in temperature will cause bacteria to multiply very rapidly.即使是温度的略微上升都会导致细菌飞快地繁殖。A new fitness craze from Australia is rapidly catching on.澳大利亚传来的一种健身热正迅速传开。Cities themselves are changing rapidly.城市自身在日新月异地变化。New technology is rapidly being introduced into factories.新技术在工厂中得到迅速推广。She rapidly gained weight at the start of her pregnancy.她在孕早期体重增加得很快。The value of the dollar began to erode rapidly just around this time.刚好在这个时候,美元开始迅速贬值。The recipes rapidly found favour with restaurant owners.这些食谱很快就受到了餐馆老板的青睐。Aluminium is rapidly oxidized in air.铝会在空气中迅速氧化。Curry is rapidly becoming the UK's favourite dish.咖喱饭正在快速成为深受英国人喜爱的饭菜。




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