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词汇 range
例句 The Centre offers a wide range of sports facilities.该中心提供各式各样的体育运动设施。The level of mistakes is within the acceptable range of standards for a public organization.对一个公共组织来说,错误数还算在可接受的范围之内。Over the long range, the most important step will be a general tax reform.从长远看,最重要的步骤是全面实行税制改革。Their diet plan was perfect for me because I was able to pick and mix my meals from a whole range of foods.他们的饮食计划对我来说很完美,因为我可以从所有食物中挑选我喜欢的饭菜。The mountain range forms a natural barrier between the two countries.这条山脉构成了两国之间的天然屏障。This program is a useful addition to their range of business-related software.这个程序对他们那套商务软件是个有用的补充。The company proudly announced the launch of its new range of cars.该公司骄傲地宣布其新系列轿车的推出。The caterpillars feed on a wide range of trees, shrubs and plants.毛虫以各类树木、灌木和植物为食。We offer our guests a wide range of outdoor/sporting activities.我们为客人们提供一系列广泛的户外娱乐/体育活动项目。His poems have power and range.他的诗作大气磅礴。The community center offers a whole range of programs.社区中心提供各种服务项目。The shop is devoted to a new range of accessories.该商店专营新的一系列配件。A wide range of postcards and other souvenirs are on sale in the visitors' centre.游客中心有各种明信片以及其他纪念品出售。Let your mind range and have plenty of diversion.你该散散心,并好好娱乐一下。My interests encompass a broad range of topics.我的兴趣广泛,包括多个方面。We'll be looking at a broad range of important issues in this chapter.本章将讨论各个方面的重要问题。She'd seen his moods range across the emotional spectrum.她见识过他全部的喜怒哀乐。The shabby houses used to range along the road.过去这路边破败的房子排成行。We can apply these methods to a wide range of problems.我们可以将这些方法应用于许多不同的问题。The college provides training in a wide range of occupations.学院提供一系列范围广泛的职业培训。He lay in wait for her and shot her at almost point-blank range.他在暗中等候着她,然后几乎近距离射中了她。His designs adorn a wide range of books.他的设计为许多图书增色不少。He fired the gun from point-blank range.他在近距离开了枪。Some carpenters do a wide range of jobs, while others specialize.有些木匠做各种木工活,而有些专攻一种。Levels of disability may range from very slight hearing problems to total deafness.残疾程度包括从非常轻微的听力障碍到听力完全丧失不等。The new range of computers have formidable processing power.新的计算机系列处理能力惊人。For more information about our product range, call your local office.如想得到更多关于我们产品种类的信息,请电话垂询当地办事处。She told the children not to wander out of range of her voice/vision.她嘱咐孩子们不要跑到听不见她说话的地方去/不要跑出她的视线。The company is launching a new range of cosmetics.这个公司正在推出一个新的化妆品系列。They targeted the enemy at close range.他们近距离瞄准了敌军。As we move into broadband, a wide range of e-commerce services will become available.我们转入宽频传输领域后,将会提供多种电子商务服务。The range includes chests of drawers, tables and wardrobes.该系列包括五斗柜、桌子和衣橱。Penalties for a first offense range from fines to jail time.对初犯的惩罚方式从罚款到入狱都有。Vinyl flooring is available in a wide range of designs.乙烯基塑胶地板有很多种图案可供选择。The singer's range has gotten broader over the years.这些年来,这位歌手的音域越来越广。We selected these two locations because they offer a range of services.我们选定这两个地点是因为它们提供一系列的服务。The photograph was taken at close/short range. 这张照片是近距离拍摄的。The restaurant offers a wide range of traditional French food.这家餐厅提供各种各样的传统法国食品。It is not outside the range/realm of possibility that he could get laid off. 他被解雇的可能性不是没有。Come and see our new range of furniture.来看看我们的新家具系列吧。




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