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词汇 births
例句 Such diseases can also lead to still births, miscarriages, and deformed babies.此类疾病也可以导致死产、流产以及生下畸形儿。Many births and deaths were not recorded in the parish registers of England and Wales. Too, some of the other denominations kept poor records.许多出生及死亡的人在英格兰和威尔士的教区记事录中都无记录。一些其他教派所作的记录也很差劲。Divorce rates and births outside marriage are on the increase.离婚率和婚外生育正在增加。They spaced the births of their three children two years apart.他们的三个孩子都是相隔两年出生的。Better living conditions mean more live births and fewer still births.生活条件改善,活产婴数会增加,死产婴数会减少。The hospital reported an increase in premature births.那家医院报告称早产儿数量有所增加。The number of multiple births has risen sharply.多胎产的数量显著增加。You would expect to observe an increase in births during peacetime.你会看到和平时期出生率有所上升。The birth rate for older women has declined, but, by contrast, births to teenage mothers have increased.大龄女性的生育率已有下降,但相比之下少女妈妈的生育率却上升了。Other evidence suggests that a diet high in fish oils helps prevent premature births.其他证据表明,富含鱼油的膳食有助于预防早产。The church keeps a register of births, marriages, and deaths.教会存留了一本关于信徒出生、婚姻和死亡的登记簿。They spaced out the births of their three children.他们的三个孩子都是相隔几年出生的。City Hall keeps a record of all the births, deaths and marriages in the county.市政厅保存着该县所有的出生、死亡和结婚记录。The city's deaths are exceeding births.这个城市的死亡人数正超过出生人数。There have been three births in our family this year.今年我们家中已有三个孩子出生。Records of all births and deaths are kept in the county offices.县办事处存有所有的出生和死亡记录。To find out about her family history, she looked through the register of births, marriages, and deaths.为了了解自己的家族史,她查看了出生、婚姻以及死亡登记簿。Over half of all Caesarean births are classed as emergencies.全部剖宫产里,半数以上都是因为紧急情况而实施的。The most common multiple births are twins, two babies born at the same time.最常见的多胎是双胞胎,两个婴儿同时出生。The records of births, marriages, and deaths were all destroyed in the fire.出生、结婚和死亡的记录全都毁于这场火灾。




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