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词汇 biscuits
例句 He doesn't like to be caught without any biscuits in the house.他喜欢家里备些饼干。Bake the biscuits until the tops are lightly browned.把饼干烘烤到表面微黄。Tea and biscuits will be provided.将提供茶和饼干。Fill the bottom of the dish with broken biscuits.在盘底装满碎饼干。When I was young, my grandmother was always trying to feed me up with sweets and biscuits.我小时候祖母总是给我吃许多糖果和饼干。There's cheese and biscuits to follow.接下来是奶酪和饼干。When I get tired, such as when I'm working on my computer, I turn to biscuits.我累了的时候,譬如说在电脑前工作累了,就会吃饼干。Remove the butter from the heat and stir in the crushed biscuits.黄油加热后拿出来,拌入压碎的饼干。They fed him on biscuits.他们用饼干喂他。The biscuits will flatten out as they cook.烘烤时饼干会变得扁平。He offered up some chocolate biscuits.他拿出一些巧克力饼干。My daughter likes to dunk her biscuits in my tea.女儿喜欢把她的饼干在我的茶里浸一下再吃。Uma had a cup of coffee waiting for me, along with a plate of biscuits.乌马泡了一杯茶等我喝,还准备了一盘饼干。Try to avoid fatty foods like cakes and biscuits.尽量不要吃蛋糕和饼干这一类高脂食品。I handed over my secret store of chocolate biscuits.我交出了私藏的巧克力饼干。She's tiny but she can really pack away the biscuits.她是个小不点儿,不过她的确能吃掉那些饼干。I was especially fond of chocolate biscuits.我特别爱吃巧克力饼干。Elinor bought her a packet of biscuits.埃莉诺给她买了一袋饼干。Crumble the biscuits over the fruit mixture.把饼干弄碎撒在水果拼盘上。I just had time to cram down a few biscuits before we left.我们离开前我只来得及狼吞虎咽地吃了几块饼干。These biscuits contain oats.这些饼干里含有燕麦。She had munched her way through a packet of biscuits.她吃掉了一整包饼干。She's eaten all the biscuits. There are none left.她把饼干都吃光了,一块也没剩。A mangy-looking dog is munching biscuits from a scuffed floor.一只癞皮狗正在磨坏的地板上大嚼饼干。The kids kept saying how hungry they were, so their father gave them some biscuits to shut them up.孩子们总嚷嚷说自己饿了,于是他们的父亲给了一些饼干堵住他们的嘴。Transfer the biscuits to a plate.把饼干盛到盘子里。These are my favourite biscuits.这些是我最喜欢吃的饼干。He has a great partiality for chocolate biscuits.他对巧克力饼干极其偏爱。He was cutting biscuits out and putting them on a baking tray.他切好饼干,然后放在烤盘里。We sipped black coffee and munched on homemade biscuits.我们呷着黑咖啡,大嚼着家里自制的饼干。When the biscuits are cool, brush them with melted chocolate.等饼干凉了以后,涂上融化的巧克力。He dunks his biscuits in his tea.他把饼干在茶里蘸了蘸。Frank always dunks his biscuits in his tea.弗兰克总是把饼干泡在茶里吃。Spray the pan with oil to keep the biscuits from sticking.往平底锅里铺些油以防饼干粘锅。In the centre of the table was a plate of assorted biscuits.桌子中间放着一只盘子,里面是各种各样的饼干。Rationing had put an end to a surfeit of biscuits long ago.定量供应很久以前就结束了饼干过剩的状况。She scoffed the plate of biscuits.她一下子吃光了那盘饼干。When the biscuits puff up and turn brown they are ready.饼膨胀并变成褐色的时候就做好了。Put the biscuits back in the tin or they'll go stale.把饼干放回罐子里,不然会不新鲜的。On a plate in front of him was piled a pyramid of biscuits.他面前的盘子里摆了一摞金字塔形的饼干。




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