例句 |
Freedom of speech is every American's birthright.言论自由是每一个美国人与生俱来的权利。She seemed to regard an easy, comfortable life as some kind of birthright.她好像把轻松舒适的生活看作是一种与生俱来的权利。Americans see freedom of expression as their birthright.美国人视言论自由为他们与生俱来的权利。Remember your birthright of freedom.别忘了你们生而自由的权利。A fair trial is the birthright of every British citizen.得到公正的审判是每个英国公民与生俱来的权利。They sold/traded their birthright for a mess of pottage.他们为一文不值的东西出卖了自己与生俱来的权利。Some men see well-paid, powerful jobs as their birthright.有些男人认为拥有工资高、权力大的工作是他们与生俱来的权利。Freedom is the natural birthright of every human.自由是每一个人与生俱来的权利。 |