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词汇 racial
例句 The judge's ruling has struck a blow for racial equality.法官的裁决捍卫了种族平等。The Hungarian colony in New York is a picturesque racial island.纽约的匈牙利侨民是个与外界隔绝的独特的种族社区。His speech ignited racial tension in the area.他的演讲引发了该地区的种族紧张状态。Groups like these use the Internet to spew racial hatred.像这类团体会使用因特网来发泄种族仇恨。Lots of people in Chicago don't see that racial border. They see progress towards integration.在芝加哥很多人看不到那条种族边界。他们看到的是朝向种族融合的进步。We uphold the principle of racial equality.我们坚持种族平等的原则。The community is divided along racial lines. 社区里不同种族的人们之间存在界限。The city is being sundered by racial tension.该城市因种族关系紧张正在形成分裂。The Church tries to promote racial harmony.教会试图促进种族和睦。The ceremony is to celebrate people who broke racial barriers in the music industry.这一庆典是为了表彰音乐界那些冲破种族藩篱的人们。The racial mix is to change noticeably.种族比例将发生明显变化。It's a black comedy about racial prejudice.这是一部有关种族歧视的黑色喜剧。There is a hint of racial stereotyping.有一点种族模式化的苗头。Billy is on the side of the angels when it comes to racial tolerance.说起种族间的包容,比利可真是宅心仁厚。This means there will not have to be any busing to achieve a racial balance in the school.这意味着学校将不必提供校车接送服务以实现种族平衡。He has been accused of inciting racial hatred.他被指控煽动种族仇恨。The hot summer magnified the racial tensions in the community.炎热的夏日加深了社区的种族矛盾。We are concerned at the high frequency of racial attacks in the district.我们关心的是这个地区高频率的种族攻击。Many were offended by her use of racial epithets.她用的带有种族歧视的称谓冒犯了很多人。The film's main characters counter the familiar racial stereotypes.电影中的主要角色反对人们熟悉的种族陈规。Critics say the mayor is a bigot who is inflaming racial tensions in his city.批评家称该市长是个偏执狂,在煽动市内的种族矛盾。Marseilles has proved to be a better racial melting pot than Lyons.事实证明,与里昂相比,马赛是一个更好的种族大熔炉。Avoid using words that might offend someone's racial or moral sensibilities.要避免使用可能会伤害别人种族或道德感情的话语。The political party has become a hotbed of nationalism and racial bigotry.这个政党已成为滋生民族主义情绪和种族偏见的温床。King was a worldwide symbol of non-violent protest against racial injustice.金是全世界非暴力抗议种族不平等运动的象征。The attitude toward immigrants and racial minorities in this country is disgusting.这个国家对待移民和少数民族的态度真令人作呕。There was racial tension on campus.校园里种族关系很紧张。Some people complained of racial discrimination in the way housing was allocated.有些人投诉在分配住宅的方式上有种族歧视。His art reflects his cultural/racial identity.他的艺术作品反映了他的文化/种族特性。Not infrequently, they were subjected to racial harassment.他们遭受种族骚扰的情况并非罕见。Jackie Robinson overcame racial prejudice to become the first black baseball player in the Major leagues.杰基·罗宾逊战胜了种族偏见,成为职业棒球大联盟里第一位黑人选手。The detection rate for racial crimes is appallingly low.种族犯罪的侦破率之低令人震惊。The town will no doubt be bracketed with other notorious racial flashpoints.毫无疑问,该城镇将和其他城市一起被归入声名狼藉的种族冲突爆发点。The city had faced racial crisis and come through it.该市曾面临种族危机,不过已经安然渡过。Gradually the different groups of people coalesced into one dominant racial group.不同种群的人逐渐合并成为一个大的种族群体。The defendants were convicted of wilfully promoting racial hatred.这些被告被判犯有蓄意煽动种族仇恨的罪行。The Supreme Court unanimously ruled that racial segregation in schools was unconstitutional.联邦最高法院一致裁定学校实行的种族隔离措施违反宪法。One remedy for racial attacks would be to educate our children more about social issues.消除种族袭击的一个办法就是对我们的孩子多进行一些社会问题方面的教育。We must not minimize the problem of racial discrimination.我们不可以小看种族歧视的问题。It's a black comedy of racial prejudice, mistaken identity and thwarted expectations.这是一个关于种族歧视、身份错位和期望落空的黑色喜剧。




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