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词汇 adventures
例句 Because of his adventures, he is a person of far greater experience and resourcefulness.诸多冒险经历使他的经验和智谋都要比别人高出一筹。She liked the adventures of a spy.她喜欢间谍的冒险。An amusement park is the perfect locale for youngsters to have all sorts of adventures.游乐场是年轻人寻求各种刺激的绝佳场所。An amusement park is the perfect locale for a bunch of irrepressible youngsters to have all sorts of adventures.游乐场是一帮精力过剩的年轻人寻求各种惊险刺激的绝佳场所。She listened entranced while he described his adventures.他讲自己的冒险经历时她听得出了神。All the boys told lies about their adventures.所有男孩讲自己的冒险经历时都有水分在里面。He always used to tell us about his adventures at sea.他以前一直喜欢和我们讲述他在海上冒险的经历。The sailor regaled us all night with stories of his adventures.水手整夜讲述他的奇遇,令我们大饱耳福。Jenny had lots of adventures, travelling all over the world and always coming home with hair-raising stories.珍妮有过许多冒险经历。她游历世界各地,总是把惊险故事带回家。He was spinning yarns about his adventures in the navy.他杜撰出自己在海军服役时的奇遇故事。They sat around the campfire telling tall tales about their hunting adventures.他们围坐在篝火旁讲他们狩猎冒险的离奇故事。He regaled his party guests with stories of his adventures abroad.他讲述自己在国外的历险,为参加聚会的客人们助兴。My grandfather used to tell us about his adventures as a sea captain during the war.祖父过去经常给我们讲他在战争期间当船长的历险故事。I had some hair-raising adventures when I was backpacking.我背着背包徒步旅行时经历过非常恐怖的事情。New adventures were beckoning.新的冒险十分令人向往。Dervla Murphy's latest book describes her many adventures in Nepal.德维拉·墨菲的新作描写她在尼泊尔的许多冒险经历。The stories of her adventures were legion.她的历险故事数不胜数。The film follows the adventures of an ant called Flick.这部影片记述了一只名叫弗利克的蚂蚁的历险故事。The show is about two couples and the adventures of their rebellious offspring.这部戏讲了两对夫妇,以及这两对夫妇的叛逆子女的种种冒险。She had talked spiritedly about her adventures.她充满激情地谈起了自己的冒险经历。Her books about her adventures give enjoyment and inspiration to armchair travellers.她写自己冒险经历的那些书给神游者带来了享受和刺激。He recited the day's adventures.他详细叙述了那一天的冒险经历。He dreams up all sorts of fantastic adventures.他凭空想出各种奇妙的冒险。I have had more than my full share of adventures.我已经有了太多丰富多彩的历险。He recounted his adventures since he had left home.他讲述了离家以后的很多奇遇。The story of his adventures was fascinating to listen to.听他讲他的冒险经历真有趣极了。He told us about his camping adventures.他向我们讲述他的野营探险经历。He told us thrilling tales about his adventures as a pilot in the war.他给我们讲述了他在战争中当飞行员的惊险故事。I'm tired of hearing him spout off about his adventures.他喋喋不休地大讲冒险经历,我都听腻了。Recently children's holiday television programmes have been very strong on providing armchair adventures.近来假日儿童电视节目老是放映幻想冒险故事片。She asked me many questions about my adventures in the Arctic.她问了我许多有关我在北极探险的问题。We met with many adventures on our trip.我们在旅途中经历了许多冒险。The adventures all turned into dust and ashes.多次冒险结果都一无所获。I have had more than my share of adventures.我已经有了太多冒险经历。The old mariner liked to yarn about his sea adventures.老水手喜欢讲他的海上奇遇。The explorer recounted his adventures in a number of books.探险家在好几本书中描述自己的冒险经历。The explorer told the boys about his adventures in the Arctic.探险家把自己在北极的探险经历说给男孩们听。The speaker dramatized his adventures with many actions and gestures.演说者用许多动作和手势生动描述种种历险遭际。His early travels were just a preamble to his later adventures.他早期的旅行只是后来冒险经历的一个序曲。After various hair-raising adventures in Afghanistan, Newcombe settled in Northern India.纽科姆在阿富汗经历了种种令人毛发直竖的危险后,在印度北部居住了下来。




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